Chapter 11

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Hope you Enjoy🌸

No PoV

The sun is starting to set, street lights are just turning on. The cold winds flowing in the air. It is fall after all~ 

"Um..Onii-chan? It's a little cold to be training out here, isn't it" Naruto said, chattering between each sentence. Sasuke's holding on to him, making warmth. Ahh, the wonders of body-to-body contact.

"Who said, we'll be training outside, Un?"  Deidara said, unfazed by the cool air. Looks like he's used to it.

Naruto and Sasuke both looked at each other and shrugged.
We began to walk, but we went a different route which made me confused. Never knew they had a secret passageway. I was just about to ask Naru, but he made the same face as I did. 

"Oi! How come you never told me about this!" Naruto ran out of my hold and jumped on deidara. I guess he already beat me to it.

"It was for your own safety..." I stayed silent. "... But to make you feel better it's the opposite way of the treehouse, Un!"  I turned to Naruto I seen him frown, then smiled also, something's wrong. 'I'll just talk to him later about it' I walked silently.

"Were almost there watch your step." Up ahead I've seen falling branches and what-not.

More like don't fall to your death.

"Sasuke-Teme?" I looked down at him, still walking in sync.


"Wanna d-do something after this?"

"Hn, sure why not. How about a date, besides this will be our first." He blushed, but brushed it away quickly.
Naruto stood on his tipi toes, and whispered in my ear.
"I like the way you think." making a playful smirk. I kept staring at his lips. I think he already knows so I leaned down to kiss him-

"we're here!!!!"

Just when I'm about to kiss my beautiful blonde dobe. I slightly frowned, woah, wait. Is this payback from when Naru and I had ruined yours and Itachi's 'moments'? I see what you did there deidara.

"This is bigger than I thought it would be." The place was a huge hideout or whatever you want to call it.

Naruto ran up to the new technology. He's such a low-key nerd. Touching every device he can put his hands on.

"Sasu! Sasu! look!!"

"Pretty fascinating dobe." I walked to the closest couch and made myself comfortable. The place was pretty home-y to me, cabin wise to be precise... just with new technology that hasn't been connected to the rest of the world, so I'm guessing.
Other than that, I was worried about Naruto. But as his mate I will do everything and anything thing to protect him, even if it costs me my love, or my life.

Kinda cheesy huh? Well I'm deadass serious.

"Naru. Let's get this over with. I'll tell you all the information you need in due time." Deidara puts his hands on his hips.

I inwardly laughed at Naruto's sigh and followed him, and deidara to a different location in this massive area.



This process is still running through my head. Why they didn't tell me this earlier, oh yeah 'so they can protect me' I mimic in my head. If I would've known at a younger age, I could've been prepared instead being lied to my whole life. So was my life a lie all this time? What's really gonna be in store for me?
I looked over to Sasuke, laying down on the couch near the fire place. I wonder what's on his mind? Our date? I made a Cheshire smirk.
"Naru... you're kinda creeping me out." Deidara approached me.

"Heh, my bad onii-Chan"

"It's cool. Let's just get this over with,Un." He hands me clothes to train in.

"Change in these, you'll movement will work faster in this." I nooded and changed.

"Remember we have to work really hard." He started off. " we don't have that much time left."  I sit there silently as he puts my hair in a bun. Guess he doesn't want o get in  the way it is pretty long though so...


"Try again!"

I was starting got get the hang of the drill.

Dodge, left, right. Hit right hook, dodge, jump.

"You're almost there Naru, learning fast as usual." He said,

I took my rookie battle stance, and watch as he came towards me. So fast, but I know that's not his full power.

He used a lower kick, which I jumped in advance. I ran along the walls to throw him off.

"That's not gonna work naru."
I turned around, I was to late. A jab straight to my gut. Landing right to the ground.

"Arg." I slowly got up.
I'm not giving up. If my brother can do it, then so can I. 
My hands are glowing red and blue, wait what.

"Dei, what's going on?" I started shaking my hands trying to get rid of the glow. "Wahhh, get it off me!"

"Don't need to worry it's just you're awaking some of your powers" he grinned at me, while his ears and tail popped out.
I looked over to Sasuke and the look on his face is priceless.

Deidara started talking so I payed attention to him.
"It's called a henge..."he stated "I simply  held in my chakra to cover it up. Yours won't happened until your birthday."  Deidara jumped into the air, the  jump was pretty high, instinct was on point. Seemed like he was a pro. Plus he started his training early and developed early. Not fair, at all.

The skilled brother, and the weak little brother.

"Alright less talking more training, ready?!" We both got into battle stance mode.

He's always been the perfect one But I will always admit...

"You're on." I wiped the blood of my nose.

He's a pretty bad ass brother

"Let's go!" We Both said, in unison.

And I'm not giving up.

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