Chapter 4

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Naruto Pv

Finally the last bell went off, I was making my way toward the parking lot. Seeing Sasuke leaning on his car, he must've been waiting for me then.
"Yo dobe, took like decades"

"Be quite teme! And can you take me to nii-chan's house I have to talk to him about something..." his expression looked worried, but he hid it so well.
"Hn, get in"
When sasuke dropped me off to my brothers and itachi's house, I told him I was coming by later.

"Come on in Otouto, Un"

"Nii-san, I have to tell you something important" deidara took a sat next to me, I really am glad that my brother and I get along so well.
"U-um well, I've had this sudden marking that's appeared on my navel for a while now... and been hiding it for a long time. Nii? What's wrong with me?!" For some reason I started to cry, I didn't know what was wrong with me or why. All I know our family was cursed, other than that I don't know jack shit. Deidara wrapped his arms around me and calming me down.
"Naruto, un " he said my name in a serious tone. He continued.

"What I'm about to tell you, don't freak out okay? I'm in the same condition as you are." 

Condition, what damn condition??!
" Do you remember when Okaasan, and Otousan told you some stories when you were younger?" I nodded.

"Those stories are true, but there was a catch the males in the family.... gets pregnant, but it depends on if the child is dominant. And the tell of both of our looks, we look feminine so we play the girl role....Otouto-san have you been feeling... hot lately like your skin is burning?"  All I can do is nod in this situation.
Deidara Pv
The look on his face, just makes me want to cry. I can't cry, un! I'm the big brother in this situation and have to set a better example for him. Before I even spoke, he started off.
"... yeah I have lately, but nothing working anymore." He laid back down into my hold. My poor baby.
"Naru-chan now since your birthday is coming up soon, you're going to have an awakening on your birthday. During the awakening you will discover your ears, and tail." I showed him mines. Blonde, with red streaks. And my tail is also the same as my ears.
"Naru- naruto what are you doing?  Don't yank my tail~ ITS REAL DAMIT!

"Sorry nii-chan, it's just this is really hard to take in... why didn't you guys tell me anything" being said, while petting my tail.
"Well it's because, okaasan and otousan thought you weren't ready to handle it." I started off "but do you have someone in mind to become your mate?" I gave him a look of concern.
"A...Mate..!" I nodded, with a hand motion for him to continue.

"Well, I kinda have a crush on Sas-"
"You two will be great for each other!!" I couldn't help but cut him off. Ita-kun and I always wanted our little brothers to go out, we can tell that they both have feelings for each other. Couple minutes later, I hear the door open.
"In here koi" I looked down to see naru snicker.

"Oh good evening Naru, what's brings you here?"  Naruto looks up at me giving me a 'can-I-tell-him-look' , I smiled as a sign to say it.

"Yeah, Nii-chan said, I'm going to become a a sense dattebayo..." scratching the back of his head.
"Hn, interesting. So how do you feel about it?"

"To be completely honest, I don't know how I feel at the Moment. But I don't want to hide this from sasuke, I want to tell him but I don't want him to dislike me." naruto put his head down on my lap, patting his head in reinsurance. Itachi sat down across from us.
"Naruto. Sasuke may be my little brother, but you know better than myself. I always had a feeling that you've had a crush on my otouto, you may never know the outcome until you try naru.
I sat there in silence, listening to itachi giving valuable advice to naruto. That took a lot of weight off my shoulders. Thanks itachi-kun you're the best~
"Think you can handle it big boy?" I gently lifted naruto's head, so he can face me.
"I T-think so..." giving me a big hug ,and greatly returned the favor.
"Would you like me to call sasuke to pick you up" itachi butted in.
Naruto shook his head and got up from the couch.
" ah, nah I'll be fine. I'll just walk so I can be able to clear my head. I'll see you guys later"
He walked out the living room. I was just about to pounce on itachi, Naruto ran straight to me and felt my head"
"Naruto, un! What are you doing-"

"Why'd you feel so hot nii-chan?"
Should I tell him? I looked over to itachi-kun and he turned his head. Hmpf... some mate he is.

"Un, well you see when girls have their... cycles? Yeahhh, it's just like that but it's called heat, and you feel ....horny" a deep blush ran across my face. Naruto 'oh'd' and patted itachi on the shirt.
"Go get him tiger" laughed and ran out the house.
" damn that little boy" I smiled
"So where were we, hm?" Itachi said while kissing me on my neck, I couldn't help my self but moan at his touch.
Sasuke Pv
I got a text from Naruto, telling that he'll be on his way soon. I've known for a while now he seems alittle 'different' then before. When we spend time together he's the only one who know me, especially my playful side. And that made me fall in love with him more because he sees me as me, not like how the fan girls [insert-cringe]
Sees me for my looks, and money. I want to tell him, but will it be worth it? I don't want that to sacrifice our years of friendship.
Laying in my bed, and grabbed my guitar to play random tunes, until he's comes.

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