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Really hope you guys enjoy🌸

I'm already at mom &a dad's house, laying down in my own bed... ah,it's bring me back the memories.

Sasuke and Naruto were outside playing, Itachi and my parents were down stairs chatting.

"Hey so what do you want to do?" I asked Itachi while walking towards the game console. No reply. So I started to wave my hand in front of his face.
"Oi~ Itachi-kun". He's face turned red. Chuckling to my amusement, walking towards him and put my forehead against his.
"Are you okay....Ita-kun?"


"Are you sure?"


"Is that the only thing you can say, UN?!!" I rose my voice a little. His eyes widened to my outburst. I was embarrassed. Freaking out, wait... would he hate me because of this. My stuttering began.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to get upset and-" a finger was place on my lips telling to shush. Itachi then leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"No need to apologize, I was surprised nothing less. I'm the one who needs to apologize. Your beauty just caught me off guard, that's all." His breath touching my ear, sending shivers down my spine. What is this feeling? It's feels so good~

A pair of lips touch my lips. Now it was my turn to turn red. He only smirk knowing that the tables have turned. Damn you Itachi, that was my first kiss! And you took it, UN!!

"Until next time~" he poked me on the forehead. I look up directly in his eyes. Yes I am short for my age.
"Ow~ what was that for, Un?" Rubbing my forehead.

"A piece offering"  he smirked and walked out the door.

I flopped back on my bed. 'Sigh'  until then.
Un! He's mines now I giggled thinking about Itachi-kun going on another vacation~ I need it and I bet he does also.

"Dei-chan, come down stairs" my father called me down. I was so comfortable laying down.
I seen my father sit at the kitchen table sipping his tea. Making a hand movement as in saying come-have-a-seat.

"So what's with the serious face, dad are you okay-"

"It's about Naruto."

"W-what what happened to him."

"Nothing yet, but he's gonna have enemies just like you deidara." My Said, in monotone voice. He only says our full name when something is serious or one of us gets in trouble. He sets his tea down on the table, ocean blue eyes reflecting off my resembling eyes.
"When you teach him, make sure you get every aspect for him to learn everything. Your mother and I are going to a meeting, since the uchiha family been working along with the Namikaze-Uzumaki corps they also have to tag along."

"I will make sure my little brother will grab the concept of training." 'Oh look how I'm a responsible big  brother' I thought.

"Nice to hear." Minato smiled showing his pearly white teeth.
"Oh, one more thing!!" He caught me off guard, but turned my direction on him. "Even though Naruto is old enough to watch himself, make sure you keep an eye on him."
"Okay dad, Un!" Smiling in return.
Glancing over to my left to look at the time, that little brat suppose to be here right now. He may be my adorable baby brother, but he can be the death of me.
Making my way to the fridge~ un, I don't know what to get... ice cream probably? I started to hum a tune.

"Dei-chan I know that tune, I know you probably going to get something that belongs to Naru. Make sure the tub of ice cream isn't naru's. Remember what happened last time hm?" Dad smiled, continuing reading at the island table.

I cringed. Never want to think about that ever again. Who could've known one human being could do such a thing. But... I really don't care at the moment grabbing the ice cream from the top shelf of the freezer. Anyways I'll take my chances, he will never know if I replace it or blame someone else... well I don't know who to blame damn it! I didn't get that far yet UN!



I swear I lost all color to my face.
"Nii-chan? What are you doing with my ice cream?" I looked over to our dad, I'm trying to send a message using my eyes 'Dad help me!!!' He knew, he made an assured smile and left the room. HOW COULD YOU!
I faced Naru;
"Un, I-i was just moving the ice to get t-this um? Frozen yogurt, yeahh". Whew that was smooth good going. Sarcasm included.

"Nice save, Dei-kun~ dattebayo, I'm only doing this once.. you can get SOME not all, got it? " I nodded repeatedly. Both of us have our moments of rage, but he's really serious about his beloved ice cream, just like his ramen. Oh and Sasuke, oops.

While I was taking my fair share of the ice cream I swear I felt eyes on me.

Yeah, yeah. I got home late no big deal. I'll just probably do the training later, but I'm still curious on what I exactly have to do. I look over to my left to Sasuke playing on his phone. I nudged him lightly giving him a sign to come up stairs.
See. My room is completely different from his, mines is orange and black. Queen bed, with a whole bunch of pillows. Picture around my room filled with my friends, and my boyfriend and I. A flat screen tv. Manga books here and there on the shelf and my clothes are scattered on the floor. Heh oops.

"Dobe, I know you're smart and all, but clean up your room"
"If I'm so smart like you say then why do you call me dobe?"
He wobbled over toward the bed and sat down, still concentrating on the game.
"Hn. Because I can."

"Fine, whatever. Can you help me clean my room? Please?"

"Heh, no. You've made the mess you clean it up."

"You're a meanie teme!"

"Mhm, yeah, yeah... dang it I lost. New high score though."

"That's what you get, for not helping."  I'm sitting on the floor searching for clothes that I see. Meanwhile I was still checking for more clothes, Sasuke sat beside me.

"How can you be so tiny making such a big mess."

" I don't know..." usually as soon as I'm come from school or Sasuke house studying, I just peel my clothes off head into the shower and jump and bed.

"All done" laying on my back, as the soft rug was so comfortable."
" took you long enough-"

"Shut up sasu"

"Naru, I'm done come meet in the back yard!" Deidara yelled.why does he have to eat ice cream so fast, you suppose to savor the flavor.
Sasuke bow down, holding his arm out. "After you my beloved princess."

"S-screw you teme." I started to leave him behind.

"Maybe later." He said, i heated up But I kept walking.

"... Let's G-go"

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