Chapter 17

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Hey guys enjoy🌸 AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!🎆

"Babe wake up"


Naruto thought of something and decided to tickle him, light chuckles filled the air.

"Dobee- ahh haaa stoppp" sasuke said, in a slurred morning voice.

"Wake upp then, we wouldn't have this problem now would we."

"Just five more minutes....." and sasuke drifted back to sleep. Along with a small sigh Naruto got up from bed getting the morning stretch in.

"Fine... dattebayo, five minutes only" making his way towards the door "I'll be back sasu."

Wasn't that long that Naruto made it to the kitchen, it was calling him... well in a way...his stomach was growling.

Itachi and deidara were sitting at the island in the kitchen.

"Seem like you like the look I gave you yesterday night."

"N-no I don't, since I was really tired I didn't even bother with my hair."

Itachi put down his book and smirks at Naruto.

"Sasuke must have said something, hm Naruto?"
Naruto stayed silence and made his way towards the stove to grab his fair share of breakfast.

"Guess that a yes" deidara laughed, "maybe he might have it like that, isn't little Naru just a cutie pie un!"


I sat at the table, thinking about what happened in my dream. It felt so real, It literally gave me the chills. Who the hell was that man? and how did he know Dei, and I?

"Naru-Chan! Snap out of it"

"Wha- huh?"

"It's time to wake up Sasuke, you're not skipping like last time." Oh yeah I forgot all about that. your lucky I've finished my food. I made sure I put my dishes in the sink, and ran upstairs.

He's still asleep, this teme better be grateful that it's been more than five minutes.

"Sasu, get up teme we got school." sasuke eyes slowly opened, making contact towards the ceiling. he's a sensitive sleeper unlike me. I bet I probably can sleep through a storm.


"me either, but I don't want to go alone."


"Use words teme."

"Can't we go late." I saw sasuke get up from bed. He must be grumpy "I want to spend time with you dobe, plus..." his face changed into a fake pout. "you didn't even give me a goodmorning kiss, im hurt" in his deep sexy voice. I stepped on the bed to reach is height and kissed him on the cheek.

"Until, you eat and brush your teeth." he was grumpy, I still love you though~

"Love you Ita-chan, dei-nii! We're off." Sasuke and I both waved at the older men. Which they returned.

I felt my head get loosened, I quickly turned to sasuke in question. He held up a fist, and opted to reveal two ponytails holders.

"I didn't think you wanted to wear pigtails to school, or did you."

"Eh-I totally forgot about those, heh dattebayo." He turned away he's still grumpy. He must be thinking about something or today isn't one of his days.



"You're creating a seen, look." He finished amused, I stoped and looked around and politely bowed to everyone apologetically.

"your the one who started it." I yelled whispered. Hey we may be in love, but we do argue.

I pulled out my phone and started to text shikamaru,

N: I decided I should tell everyone today.

My phone buzzed in my hand.

Shika: about your secret? If so, if you're comfortable about sharing that information then it's cool beans with me.

N: then tell everyone to pack their clothes when they get home, because I'm inviting everyone to sleep over.

Shika: got it boss 👍

I shut my phone off and put it back in my back pocket.


"Hm? "

"Did you tell your ita-chan about that sleep over?" He hesitated, I guess he didn't do it yet."

"I forgot but I'll text him right now."


"Sakura... step forward."

"Yes, sir"

"Here, take this" the man with the glasses handed documents to the pink haired-clad.

"W-what's this??" She held up the papers in confusion.

He sighed "You might be smart, but you sure is dumb at times." He started,  " since we're all targeting the same person, my boss wanted me to give you this." He pointed at the papers in her hand. "Make his life hell, if failed consequences will be showed."

"Hey! You can't do that my dad is the chief!" Sakura yelled at the man.

"So and your point." He twirled into in seat.

She began to clench her fist.

"Fine...kabuto." She was getting ready to leave.

"Sakura, don't make master sad."

"Kiss my ass."

"Don't push it, you may be rich but I can change that in a heart beat." His evil smiled reached from ear-to-ear. "Anddd you wouldn't want me to kill your beloved? Seems like his heart is already taken by some cute long haired boy anyways." Shock and then anger appeared on Sakura face.

"Fuck you."

"Sorry, your not my type." Sakura walked out the room "bye bye~"

My apologies, this chapter is short. I've been thinking of more things that can probably happen in the future chapters. Thank you so much for reading. Leave a comment below I guess, if you want to leave suggestions or etc.

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