Chapter 15

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I was wondering if you guys are liking the story? Should I add anything? Or take out anything?

"Kit, you have to wake up!!"

"Wha- what the hell." My eyes are wide open but Covered by darkness. I tried moving my arms, but it feels like I'm chained to something. Concentrate. Let's see if I can get out these chains, Focus. All you have to do is focus on your chakra.

Blue aura surrounded me, good keep it steady......


That's gonna leave a mark. Great now Sasuke is going to destroy every person that's in sight, Gotta love him though.

"Good job, now that you've freed yourself from the chains since it's dark, make sure you think about your surroundings. Use your senses to Guide you. It is going to be very dangerous because we don't know what we're up against so be careful. While you're figuring out a way to get out of here, I'm going to try to link with your brother Deidara's demon to bring them here. Be careful kit, just like how we trained."

"Alright kura, I'll try harder this time I'm not failing the same trap again." Making sure I haven't bump into walls, placing my hand out in front of me. Masking my chakra once more to cover my presence.


How the hell did one person figured out our family's curse? I'm literally panicking because they may be capable of finding more information that are taboo.

"Deidara we have a problem."

"Sori, I'm in a middle of a family crisis if it's about me changing my hairstyle then-"

"It's about Naruto, he's been captured. It seemed like it was a trap from the get-go, kurama's words by the way."

"What the bloody hell! Where is he!" My eyes where turning red.

"Don't get out of control dei, I know you can get through this in a calm way-"

"How can I calm the fuck down when my brother's in danger!"

"I understand that, but you being angry can cause reckless decision you know this already!" She's right, sori always says the right thing to make me calm down.

"Let's go, and.... I'm sorry for lashing out." She only nodded in return.

"I'll lead the way"

I exited out my mind-scape, and quickly got up from itachi's hold. He returned me with a confused look.

"Get hurry up and get ready, un"

"Why what's wrong?" Sasuke asked.

"Someone captured Naruto. Sori is going to tell me the directions to get there." Sasuke eyes flashed, the Sharingan.

"Sasuke calm down" he looked at me like I was insane, but did as he was told. At least he took it better than I did.

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