Date with papyrus Gone ballistic!

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"NO THIS ISNT RIGHT. I MUST CAPTURE YOU, I MUST BE LET INTO THE ROYAL GUARD! SO I CAN BE POPULAR! POPULAR POPULAR POPULAR!" In my head I was singing popular from wicked, then the fight started. I look at Adam, he gives me a real smile. Meaning he's in control. I smile back the quickly dodge a bone. Then I collapse to the ground, so does Adam.
"SEE YOUR BLUE NOW!" I get back on my feet, my knees wobbling back and forth. I finally keep my balance,
Dodging bones left and right, up and down. It's our turn,
"Aph what are you doing?" I press the flirt button in front of me.
"Hey papyrus y-you know your kinda... Cute?" I tell him, he blushes, how can he even do that he has no blood.
"LETS DATE LATER! AFTER I CAPTURE YOU!" The fight continues, I keep flirting. I hope Aaron understands. Anyway eventually papyrus gives up.  He says some stuff then,
"Come over to my house when your ready for the date." Then he runs off, AGAIN!
"Your not actually gonna go are you? You have a boyfriend ya know." Adam says,
"Ya but I mean, it's not like  a date-date. It's just like you know, like a.... Friend date. I'm not gonna be dating him." And I begin to walk off but Adam grabs my arm.
"Your actually doing this?"
"I'm keeping my word."
"What word? You just called him cute and said his cooking is amazing. You choked on his spaghetti!" He argues,
"Listen you can continue if that's what your getting at, I'll catch up later. Just I'll go on a little date with him then I'll be done okay?" I walk off.
"Nah I need to see this." I mutter than sneakily follow her. I crawl behind her, the snow is so deep you can't see me. Unless you look down directly at me. Tho my cloths is starting to get wet and I don't like it. And I just noticed a black spot on her sleeve, probably the shock maze. I'm glad I didn't get the orb because I had to play the shock game enough at home. We make it to their house, and papyrus is standing right in front of the door.
"HUMAN IM GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT CONE ON IN AND I CAN SHOW YOU AROUND!" They walk in I stand up and quickly get inside, I hide behind the couch. And where did that annoying dog of aphmaus go? They start in the kitchen,
"THIS IS MY KITCHEN AND YOUR PROBABLY WONDERING WHY THE SINK IS SO TALL! WELL ITS WHERE I PUT MY SPECIAL ATTACK!" He opens the door and wadduya know the dog runs out with all the bones.
"HEY COME BACK WITH MY SPECIAL ATTACK!" Sans walks out of his room with a trombone and does that won
Won thing.
"SANS!" Papyrus yells when he goes back in his room, Aph and papyrus walk out of the kitchen. She goes over to the couch,
"Hey look twenty g!" Aphmau says, she holds her hand out to papyrus.
"EH YOU CAN KEEP IT!" Damn she's starting to hold on to all our money, that cheeky little girl. They go look at the tv, and I sprint up the stairs and into papyrus's bedroom. I see a table with dolls on it, perfect, I hide under the table. They walk in, my heart is pounding but I'm breathing very softly.
She has such a beautiful smile.
"OKAY! DATING START!" Everything goes black and white. I listen closer than I have when Ross was contemplating life with muffin. God I hate that chicken... He's probably the reason we're here.
Oh come on Adam you know you don't like this at all! Kill papyrus!
Why did I just think that! No! Papyrus is too kind, a bit confident yea but still.
"WAIT! THAT SHIRT THATS CLOTHS! YOU SECRETLY WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH ME THIS WHOLE TIME DIDNT YOU!?" All though I don't really want Aph on a date with papyrus this is kinda fun too watch. Papyrus has a friendship bar above him somehow. And when aphmau says totally, it goes up. She starts meeting all of his standards. Ahh man I can't take it anymore. I stand up,
"Alright this date is over!" I walk towards them,
"Adam? Where did you come from?" Aphmau asks,
"I-I-I followed you. Listen I didn't want to go on this date because..... I like you.... No I love you! Ever since fifth grade! And I-I-..." I don't even think before I pull her towards me and kiss her.
Silence..... Nothing but... Silence. After a bit kawaii~chan, Aaron, and max stood up. KC storming out of the room in anger, as Aaron walks out he smashes a hole in the wall with his head, and before max leaves Travis stands in his way trying to calm him down. He punches him so hard to the ground that he slings thru the glass roof off the trampoline. I bite my tongue to stop me from laughing. Aaron and max walk out the door and KC goes to the kitchen. I'm not worried about her tho since I know why she is mad and she has no right to be. Tho I know how to solve some problems like this, despite my really short temper. I look at Lilith her little blue eyes are beaming with such happiness they practically have stars in them. I think I know what her fan fiction is about now.
She ships Adam and aphmau. I feel bad for Aaron, he was already been feeling down about her not loving him as much. I stand up and walk to the kitchen, after I pause the game of course.
"KATELYN~SAMA THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!" She shakes me whining,

"You have no part in what happened so you have no right to be mad! Aphmau dates who she wants to date capiche!" I slap her in the face, she turns stern after.
"Kawaii~chan understands." She walks back to the living room, and I go to the back yard and see the two on top of bread tower. They're on opposite ends, I go to the giant loaf. There is a giant ladder on one side so I climb up. I stand behind max, I lift him by his armpits and set him a little bit away from Aaron. I set myself in between them.
"I'm gonna kill him when he comes out." Aaron hisses, I look at max.
"I may be pissed but if you lay a finger on him your gonna be crushed strait to hell!" Max snaps back.
"Boys boys calm down. Listen everyone is a little.... Surprised by this... Except Lilith she's pretty fricken dazed. But how do we know this is the real Adam that kissed her, again this could've been the game." I explain,
"Because Me Jin Barney and Adam all had a crush on her. Since FIFTH GRADE!" Max snaps, he defiantly reminds me of a snapping turtle.
"Listen everyone is pissed a little bit but-" I get cut off with the sound of shouting, it's faint but something is defiantly up. Max and Aaron notice it too,
"What's that?" Aaron asks,
"I don't know but let's stop arguing for a bit." Max suggests, I nod. We climb down bread tower and run inside. When we reach the living room we see something very surprising. Every one is fighting, arguing, physical fights! Even Lilith and Nicole are arguing. I turn around and see Max and Aaron fighting. Jin and Barney punching each other. KC and Lucinda casting spells on each other. Zane and Garroth sword fighting!
"STOOOOPP!" I hear some one say, everyone stops and see's Ross standing there.
"Where were you?" I mouth to him,
"Bathroom. Anyway this is stupid! Your fighting over a dumb kiss. And you didn't even wait a second to see what aphmaus reaction was? He walks to the middle of the room, he takes KC and lucindas hand and pulls them to one end of the room. Then Zane, Nicole, Lilith, Barney, Jin, Garroth, Travis, and Dante. He takes Max and Aaron to the other side, I'm standing in the middle with Ross. He points at the larger group,
"This is group NRTBM, stands for no reason to be mad." He points at max and Aaron, "that's group RTBM, reason to be mad. Listen like Adam said he has liked her since the fifth grade. Everyone has the right to have a crush right? And people sometimes get angry over some stupid reasons. But that gives us no right TO FIGHT OUR IWN FRIENDS AND RUIN OUR HOUSE! Everyone get in a circle, we're not unpausing the game until we talk this out!"

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