Legs give or take...More take

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I drag Aphmau to an elevator, it doesn't open. I kick it, the loud metal bang echoing thru the empty room.
"Please don't yell. It hurts." Aphmau groans,
"Make me! I'm carrying you everywhere I can say what I want to!" Surprisingly tho I do end up quieter. I walk around, lugging Aphmau beside me. She starts to cough frantically, I set her down.
"Do you need something to drink? I still have that starfait." I suggest, she nods as she keeps coughing. I hand her the starfait. As she drinks it I notice her subtlety look to the side.
"What are you looking at?" I look over to the side and see a monster.... some wizard thing.
"OhoHO! You chose the WRONG WAY TO GO! That, or you think you stand a chance against me!" I stand,
"Chara! N-NO!" When I walk I fall, I look back to see Aphmau grabbing my ankle with the little strength she has. I can't kill her because she'll go back to health. And I can't risk that, so I simple try to kick off her fingers. But she clings to me, and she doesn't seem to have the strength to talk... she's to focused... to determined.... I stand up and pull her behind me. I stomp over the bridge, using my right leg to pull my left leg forward. The wizard thing backs up a bit, so it is scared...
"Afraid? Bawwwww! That's too bad! Cuz ur gonna die!" I mock, it tries to back out the door but I quickly run for it. Ripping out of Aphmaus grip.
"C-HARA! P-lease!" Aphmau cries out, I grab it. Then look at Aphmau.
"Too late!" I stab it, she cries again.
"Oh stop whining! You've seen this same thing over and over get over it-"
"NO!" She manages to scream, "I WILL NEVER GET OVER YOU AND YOUR RECKLESS BEHAVIOR!" She breathes heavily as she tries to stand up. Adam rushes to her side and tries to help her up.
"Your both useless!" I hiss at the both of them,
"C'mon Aphmau I got'cha!" Adam says pretending to hold her up,
"Oh shut it Adam your only a ghost!" I snap to him. Aphmau limps over to me, stumbling and tripping but somehow staying up. She faces me, me being able to smell her horrific breath. She stares at me. Then shoves me to the side.
"C'MON APHMAU!" They say at the same time, I look thru the door way expecting to see Adam helplessly trying to pull Aphmau along with Adam. But no. Adam is nowhere to be found and aphmaus springing down the corridor full speed....
Her soul is red with a darker red soul in the center.
THATS IT! I spring into action and run after them. I slowly catch up to them, and eventually I crash them into a wall. Adam flies behind us.
"I NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU CANT RUN!" I say, I walk backwards two steps. Aphmau falls on the ground, continuously coughing. I pull her ankle and bring her closer to me.
"W-what- arrr- y-you doing?" Aphmau asks, I hold her leg in place and bring my foot up.
I talk to Toriel about what's going on, tears stream her eyes as I tell her about Adam being corrupted or possessed. Then I hear faint screaming in the distance.... Just barely....
I don't stop screaming, it doesn't matter how much energy I have the pain is excruciating. I look at my leg, it's bent in an unnatural manner. Tears flood down my face as I keep screaming.
"Okay." I keep screaming, " OKAY YOU CAN STOP!" I don't stop,
APHMAU! Chara you b***ard! I'm gonna kill you!
All noises seem to be muffled out. Like there's cotton in my ears. But I still scream. My throat is dry and my voice is. Cracked. But I still scream. Chara kicks my head and I black out.
"Jfc did she really need to scream-"
"True..... Hmm maybe I could've just made it difficult to run...."
"Adam with you here it doesn't matter how bad she's hurt. All you two have too do is..." she looks like she's realizing something, "All you two have to really do is something in unison and have the same felling about it and bam! Your combined health feeling and power!" Her face beams as if she's just discovered the Rosetta Stone! She snaps her fingers, and I become corporal.
"What do you have planned?" I ask, backing up a bit as she walks towards me.
"Luckily for you it'll only be the ankle!" She lunges at me, we wrestle each other like there's no tomorrow! Eventually she has me pinned,  strategically placed each limb to keep me on the ground. She grabs my ankle and twists mercilessly. Slowly as it goes from uncomfortable to painful! It feels as if she tossed me in the pit of needles from saw two! And my ankle was the only target from the needles. Eventually I let out a huge scream as Chara does the final crack! She snaps her fingers once more and I go back to incorporeal! But the pain remains.
"Hey it's okay! I only need to drag Aphmau now! That comes to you automatically!" Chara lifts Aphmaus shirt and drags her again. She makes it to an elevator door as I get dragged head first by some unknown force.
"Mmmmmm, I don't wanna go to work..." I hear Aphmau say, either she's waking up, or taking in her sleep. Chara notices and plays with her.
"But you have to! Or else you can't make money!" She whispers in her ear,
"But Aaroooonn! Give me five mi-" she wakes up,
"So who's Aaron? Aphmau." Chara says,
"Who says you need to know?" She snaps, then goes into a coughing fit!
Chara roles her eyes,
"Whatever." She grabs Aphmau by the hair this time and drags her through the door way.

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