Pile after pile

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Okay I finally decided to bring it back to the guys in Adams house!
"NOOOO!" Everyone shouts,
"THIS STUPID GAME!" Katelyn bangs at the pc connected to the tv.
"BRING BACK MY FRIEND!" Travis pulls her back,
"Hey it's only a game maybe-" katelyn slaps him,
"But katelyn the viscosity between the game and the guys are too strong we can't pull them out o-"
"I DONT CAREE! AHHHH!" She knocks over books out of the shelves and throws things around. A book comes right towards my face. But Lucinda catches it.
"She's done worse." She answers my question before I even asked. Katelyn does a rampage,
"ALRIGHT! KATE COME DOWN!" Jin said pulling her arms back,
"Thanks! In return I'll let you call me Kate for a limited amount of time." She says sweetly, Katelyn flops onto a bean bag. Lucinda takes out her brewing stand and potions and jin brings some machines up.

I wake up, I can't see. Not like darkness,  but more.. so blurry everything is just melted together. Like someone put a kaleidoscope in a furnace, then looked inside it. I try to move my arms but they don't move. Then everything comes to me. I jerk my arms around and yell.
"HELP HELP! SOMEBODY! ANYBODY!"  Is what i wanted to yell, but all that came out was muffled screams and spit forming in my mouth. I was gaged. Tears stream down my cheeks. I move my tongue around to try and to push the gag out of my mouth. Unsuccessful. I open my mouth as wide as possible, then start with the back of my tongue. It starts to move forward a bit. I move my  tongue a bit more. Eventually it comes out. I was almost gonna call for help but it came to me. Adam defeated papyrus and undyne.... I keep quiet. I check my hp, I'm down to 1 out of 20. Adam did a number on me. I gasp at myself. That's not Adam. I look down, my arms are chained to my sides. And my feet are chained together as if I was a sausage tied together. I jerk my body onto my knees. I wobble so I'm in a crouched position. Then slowely rise till I'm standing. The heavy chains are weighing me down so I light shake myself to run to loosen the chains. They shake a bit but don't come off. I jerk my arms back and forth. The chains don't budge. I look around, I'm currently outside of Undynes house. I hop over to the rock wall close to a dummy,
"Hey? Is there a ghost in there?" I ask, no response. I sigh and sit back on the ground. I flop over on my stomach and bash my ankles into the wall. I look ridiculous, but I don't care. I keep bashing until I hear something ring as if falling on the floor. I look at my legs, the chain is loosely wrapped around my ankles. I shake them off my legs then stand up. I look at the other wall at prepare to get a running start to run at it. Then I ram into it. But the chains don't budge. I die.
Then get to the load screen. I look at the continue button and the reset button. If I reset I can bring everyone back! Even Adam! But, the reset button is worn out... shattering... it's only enough to go back to when I was running at the wall. I reset. And right then and there I appear in full health with the chains wrapped around my torso. I look towards the wall then run straight at it. Right before I crash into it I decide to leap and turn myself around. I only take .5 damage. I do it again.
I do it until I'm at 10 hp. When it finally breaks. I look around... no one is here. I run into Undynes house and grab some food. I shove some in my inventory and eat some to bring me back to 20/20. Then it hits me, that thing could be back at any moment... here are my options.

I could hide here and catch it by surprise. Maybe even choke it with a chain.
I could leave! Grab what ever I can find and leave...
I decide to leave, a- it could be killing everyone at this point. It's not worth waiting him to potentially come back.
I equip myself with a long chain, food, a knife to fight it with, and a dog, just in case. I also put undyne and papyrus's dust in jars. I will make funerals for them when I get the chance. Then I run, I run thru corridors. Then come to a screeching halt.
"Oh, my, God. Why?" Ahead of my I see pile after pile of dust across the ground. I cry a bit... but then cries turn to Growls.
"YOU TRUE MONSTER COME AND GET ME!" I run to hot land, I look at the water cooler. Empty. I keep running, until I reach a lab. I run inside and someone punches me in the face.
"AH!" I yell, it's the creature.
"Wow I didn't realize you escaped until I found these cameras! Pretty neat, huh?" He says, he looks at the cameras. I grab the chain and run at him. I swing the chain over his face and choke him. But it doesn't do anything. He pulls it off his neck and throws me against the TV. 18/20 hp. I grab my knife and lunge at him. Unfazed he grabs his knife and stabs me right in the shoulder.
I stare in horror as I watch aphmau fight chara. Apparently that's her real name...
"CHARA STOP!" I shout at her,
"Oh Adam you know I don't let anyone get in my way! Hehehe!" She giggles,
"aphmau..." I say to myself, she stands up. Trying to not put weight on her left leg,
"ADAM! PLEASE I KNOW YOUR IN THERE SOMEWHERE! PLEASE COME O-" chara punches her in the face and she collapses on the floor. She's still breathing just unconscious. He sits her up and ties the chain around her like she's in a cocoon. But her knees tied to her chest.
"Chara why do you do this. What series of events led you to this animalistic path?" I ask as she picks her up, as doesn't respond for awhile.. she even looks.... sad? Angered? Distraught? Some actual emotion aside from sosiopathic joy. Eventually she goes back to happy.
"Nevermind That Adam." Then she walks out the other side of the lab.

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