Oh crap the couches

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We all sit in a circle, by the look on some faces its weird but i can care less. As Aphmau's favorite cousin i refuse to have her come home to absolute chaos! Plus i do not want to pay for more damage than necessary.  We sit there for what seemed like hours me and Katelyn were bossing everyone around to work it out. We're both pissed about what just went on, now my seat on the couch has a giant tear in it! Katelyn said she studied therapy things in college since she had a lot of problems at that time... Anyway, we have two people talk about it at a time. How they start arguing and yelling at each other. They make it seem so dramatic in the movies but it's just awkward irl. I finally tell Max and Aaron to talk. Katelyn jabs her shoulder into my side.
"Alright so max it's pretty fricken obvious why I'm pissed! Now what about you!?!?" Aaron spits, I immediately regret making those two do this.
"Well everyone seems mad that he just did it!" He looks around, "how many of you have had a crush on aphmau at least once!?" He looks around a lot raise their hand, Garroth, Dante, Travis, Jin, Barney, Max, Aaron, Zane, even Katelyn!
"And if it was the right moment who would kiss her?!?" The same people raise their hand,
"There you have it Aaron! Same thing would happen if anyone was in Adams place! IM MORE PISSED THAT YOU WANT TO KILL HIM." And in the blink of an eye they start beating each other up! Everyone springs to their feet to separate them. I pull on Aaron's arm, to stop the fight for awhile Lilith climbs on max. They both calm down,
"Listen maybe seeing aphmaus reaction might help the situation." Lucinda suggests.
"Good idea Lucinda, will that help boys?" Nicole asks max and Aaron,
"Maybe.." Aaron mutters,
"Fine." Max spits, Nicole grabs the remote. And everyone finds their place, Lilith putting her arms around max and Aaron to prevent possible fights.
"Alright let's do this," Nicole presses un pauses the game,
It was only a second but it felt like longer... I push him away,
"I-I-I I'm... Im sorry..." I say,
"Oh-okay I'm so sorry! I didn't ruin our-" I cut him off,
"We'll be friends no matter what! Don't worry it's just that... I- I wasn't...... never mind let's just begin to head out. Papyrus I had a fun time! Your really cool! Anyway we gotta go!" I say.
"OKAY! GOOD BUE HUMANS!" Papyrus says, we leave. As we walk out of snowdin we were really quiet.
"Aph did I ruin anything between us?" Adam asks after awhile,
"No. Did I?"
"No... You just seem distressed..." Adam says,
"I am but not about.... Listen were supposedly in a video game right?" I ask him.
"So we're probably in your tv... Right?"
"Do you think the others are watching or possibly playing with us right now? They might be going ballistic right now who knows... I don't want your house in shambles.." I tell him,
"What makes you think that?" He asks,
"Well if everyone is watching right now. Than Aaron is probably having thoughts of murdering you. Max is probably pissed, everyone who thinks I'd be cuter with someone like you or Garroth or I don't know!   Everyone might have gone ballistic and Ross would be stuck to deal with it all! I just want everyone to be happy..."
Her face turns red and her eyes are brimming with tears.
"Hey! Hey. It'll be fine if it was that crazy I think katelyn would jump in and oh. HEY GUYS IF YOU CAN HEAR ME WHEN I COME BACK THE COUCHES BETTER BE OKAY!" Adam yells, I chuckle. We walk out of snowdin into this water place, we see sans.
I look at Jin absolutely horrified. Me Ross Barney and Jon spring up from our seats. We look at the couches there in absolute shambles.
"Oh my Irene we are dead!" Jin panics,
"It's just a couple rips! Nothing much... We could probably fix this!" Nicole says kneeling at the rips,
"ARE YOU CRAZY!?!? THERE ARE MULTIPLE TEARS! LAST TIME SOMEONE MESSED WITH OUR COUCHES HE MAULED A CAVE MAN THAT TRIES TO STRAL OUR COUCHES A SECOND TIME LIKE A BEAR! If we don't get this fixed he's gonna turn us into a toaster... But with now holes!" Barney runs his hand along the tear, Lucinda pulls out her phone.
"Relax maybe cadenza could run over here to fix it real quick...." She pulls up her phone on her ear, "hey cadenza could you do me HUGE favor?.... Oh okay I see.... Yea bye." She hangs up, "I forgot her and Laurence were  still in meteli.... For the next few weeks."  She says.
"WERE DOOMED!" I scream, Lilith pulls out her phone.. I didn't even know she had one. She holds the phone to her head,
"Hi! We need your creativity right now can you come over? GREAT! Here's the address are you gonna need a ride I can bike over. Okay later AND GET YOUR SUITCASE!" She smiles, "I found an alternative."
"Heya! My break just started what do you say we head to grillbz?" Sans asks,
"Uhh sure?" I say,
"Why not!" And aphmaus back to her optimistic self!
"Great! Follow me I know a shortcut." And we follow him, next thing you know he's gone...
"Maybe in there?" Aphmau points at a grey door,
"You sure?" I ask,
"Not at all." She opens the door and we walk in. There's a weird looking guy slumped in a crouch position so we can't see his face.
"Excuse me..... Sir? We were wondering if you've seen our friend we kinda lost him and-" we get cut off by the loud creak of a door. We look behind us and the door closes. He looks up... We see a face with two large cracks at the side of his head. 
"I'm afraid I can't let you leave." He says,
That last part was from a fan made series called glitch tale. If you haven't seen it check it out its on YouTube.

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