Ch.1 Jetta

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The morning air felt deliciously crisp and cool against my cheeks as I walked towards the college I was attending. Bobbing my head to the chorus of Amanda from this mornings alarm made me wanna wear my Boston t-shirt just for the hell of it. The leaves began to slowly descend from their tree's branches, forming a small reddish/orange carpet for me to walk on. Every crunch from under my chucks made me smile as I wrapped myself tighter in my jean jacket. Puffing out small batches of breath, I slipped on my headphones and commanded my mp3 player.

"Only Boston songs today."

In a few seconds, every song that was ever made by the band had downloaded into my player and started off with Foreplay/Long Time. I started dancing along to the song and imagined doing a guitar solo with a stick I found laying in the middle of the sidewalk. 

My skin slowly began to crawl, as it usually does when I get the feeling that someone was watching me, and I turned around to face several people looking at me. An older lady shook her head slowly, and a younger guy cupped his hands around his mouth as he yelled out "creep" from his porch. Blushing, I dropped the stick and hunched into my jacket.

Twenty-two years old and still in school, and making a fool out of myself once again as I headed to class. Most people would think that I'm just another average youngster living my life with no regrets, or a wallflower that had a knack for embarrassing myself in public. But that's not even half of it. 

In my eyes, I was a creep.

I was born with a special ability that is unexplainable to the common human mind. To be honest, I can't even explain it myself. I learned I could do weird things with my mind when I was 7, but then as I gradually grew older, this ability quickly formed into something else by just a touch. The worst part is; I don't have a family, nor do I know where I'm from.

Cliche' isn't it. . . 

Kicking an empty can along the cracked sidewalk, I raised the volume of the next song on my mp3 player and got lost into another golden Boston moment. I looked up towards the sky and admired the clouds that slowly rolled across its grayish-blue, canvas. I think that if I could be a normal human being for once, my life would be so much more worthy to live.

I glanced at my wristwatch as More Than a Feeling came to its final notes and dread struck me harder then that guitarist's chord. I was going to be late for class. . .again. 

I sighed again and walked to class in a melancholic manner.

~A/N. . .The beginning was re-edited thanks to a little help from reading _lacesandroses_'s "Wattpad Sins." I recommend every new writer on Wattpad read it to improve your writing skills. 

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