Ch 22. The Butterfly Effect

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Liesel shrieked in horror and vomited on the ground next to me. Blood splashed on the grass and the smell of death filled our area. My eyes were still closed as I stood against the fence and my knees trembled from fear of my death happening before everyone. 

But the weird thing was. .

I was breathing. . .?

I opened my eyes and screamed in horror at the reality that faced me.

Lucas's nails were a scarlet red and pierced through Myra's body like a pincushion. He opened his fingers and they sliced her body in half as she collapsed onto the ground in separate ways. The shrieks and screams of everyone filled the air as Myra's face turned towards me. 

I rushed towards Myra and grabbed her hand as she trembled. The color started to fade from her face and my stomach churned from seeing her lying here like this. 

"Why, Myra? Wh-why?" Tears flushed down my face as I waited for my best friend to answer me.

"I t-told you. .I'd- be of use to you-o-one day." Her beautiful face just smiled and her eyes twinkled as a tear fell down her cheek. She brushed my cheek with her finger and started to gurgle as she fought for breath. 

"Myra! You idiot, stay strong, MYRA! Myra you were my best friend! Why did you stand in front of Lucas's blow!? I should be the one dead! I'm sorry for everything, for our fight, I love you as my sister, you were only there for me and I. .MYRA NO!!!"

Blood trickled down her cheek. . .

Her body was still. . .

And then she was gone. 

My cries didn't reach her as I tried to babble everything at the last second. My pleads and last words didn't reach my best friend, as I saw the light vanish in her eyes. . .that twinkle I knew so well. .was gone. Liesel sobbed next to me as she held Myra's other hand and soon Derick was by our side, in shock as he saw Myra on the ground.

My body shook and trembled as I bawled on Myra's chest. Once again. . She saved me.

And I was useless.

Memories of Myra and I flooded my mind. From the first time we became friends at the orphanage, to the first time we told each other our secret abilities. She was the one who ALWAYS stood up for me. She was the one who taught me how to accept who I was. I'll never forget the look of triumph on her face when she shoved the acceptance letters to Graye's Academia, for the both of us, in my hands. She was the light in my life that brought me out of my own darkness that haunted me everyday. She promised me that she would stick with me to the very end to find out who I really was, and where I was from. Myra was the only thing that kept me from drowning myself in my own tears. Myra was my best friend. . .My only best friend. . .and Lucas killed her.

My body trembled and all I saw was red. My breathing became huge gasps of breath like a rabid animal. I clenched my hands into fists and slowly walked towards Lucas and the others. Nicholas slammed into Lucas as Blake tried to hold him back, while Derrick grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him. 

"What are you doing, Jetta!? You can't go over there!?"

I jerked his hand away, ignoring his pleas to try and stop me. The broken metal link fence laid on the ground from the previous impact. I reached for a metal pole and fused a spell Myra taught me for bending metal elements. The piece in my hand formed into a spiral tipped sword, and I rushed to strike Lucas. 

One mighty swing sent Lucas flying through the air and down into the ground. His screech filled my ears and the lust to kill engulfed in my veins. As I marched towards Lucas, my power swirled around me like a vibrant purple/black tornado. A strong energy surged within me and seeped through every pore in my body. This incredible power was unknown to me, but the feeling of being stronger than my enemy was interestingly satisfying. 

The rage to kill Lucas for Myra's death consumed and blinded me. Before I knew it, it had taken over me. . .and I welcomed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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