Ch.19. Pandora's Box.

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We slammed through the gym doors as we darted outside screaming Liesel's name. The others quickly joined us and headed towards the trail Derick claimed he saw her run off to.

"Why didn't you follow her you dumbass!" I panted.

"I did! But I lost sight of her when several kids passed in front of me doing a stupid congo line. What the fuck else you wanted me to do!?"

"Guys! Now is not the time to argue!" Myra snapped as she raced next to me. "We need to find her!"

"Why did she run away, Derick? What the hell happened between you two anyway?" Blake asked as he raced by.

Derick stopped running and gripped the back of his neck. "I. .I don't wanna talk about it."

"What do you mean you don't wanna talk about it? What did you do?" Myra snapped.

"Nothing! I did nothing! She just. . ."

"She just what, Derick?"

 I moved out of Blake's way as he approached Derick. His face looked like he was ready to beat the crap out of him if he didn't answer soon. . .and I didn't wanna get caught in the swing zone. "Of all the jobs I've given you, this is the one you screwed up the most, so you better get talking!"

"She just asked if I knew Jetta and I told her I did! There, happy?"

No one said a word between us and the only sound we heard was the gentleness of our own breathing.

"Wait, of course you know Jetta. What do you mean?" Myra asked as she pulled me closer to her.

"No, like. . I've known her for years. She just. . doesn't remember me."

"You know anything about this, Jetta?" Blake asked as he glared at Derick.

"I'm. . . just as shocked as you guys are. ." I said.

"Yea. We know each other Jetta. But it's. . rather a long story. I can't give you all the details right now."

"Wait, why not?!" I asked kind of irritated.

"Because we need to focus on finding Liesel! That's our priority right now!" He barked.

My hand flew to my chest as if that would settle my beating heart. The feeling of betrayal flowed through my veins and left me feeling cold. Derick, knew me for all this time and never dared showed his face to me. Not once. I didn't understand why after all these years, he decided to say something. And I didn't understand why I felt like my heart exploded like if Pandora's box just opened.

It felt strange.

Blake stormed towards his friend. In a matter of seconds, Blake had Derick by his shirt and raised him a few inches off the ground. It was only then I realized that Blake was taller than Derick by a few inches. He was furious. I've never seen him like this!

"For as LONG as I've known you, Derick, you've NEVER mentioned that you knew Jetta. . .so start talking!"

"Shit. . .Fine! Ok! The truth is Liesel ran off because I admitted to her that I loved Jetta-"

"YOU WHAT!?!?" Everyone screamed.

I just managed to breath out awkward as Blake gripped his neck. He dug his nails into his skin and pushed him against the fence surrounding the football field.

"No! Not like that! Blake, I can't breathe man! She's- ack. . She's. . SHE'S MY FUCKING SISTER!" He finally managed to choke out.

Derick's body landed on the ground with a heavy thud and i couldn't take my eyes off him. Myra clinged to me as if she was afraid I'd disappear and Nicholas stood by Myra, with his mouth gaped. Blake stared at him wide eyed and tried his best to control his breathing.

"I'm . .I'm your sister?"

"Yes." Derick said as he chocked a little. "You're my sister. I left you on the porch at an orphanage because I couldn't raise you on my own. Our parents. . .We don't have parents. We. . .Jetta now is not the time to explain everything right now, we need to find Liesel."

"NO! I'm tired of finding that stupid little bitch! Ever since she step foot into MY house it's always been, 'Liesel this, and Liesel that. I'm fucking tired of it! I get it! No one gives a damn about me! Which is why you abandoned me, Derick-"

"I didn't abandon you, Jet! I had to do what was right!"

"Leaving your sister in an orphanage alone, to grow up knowing she's a freak and not fitting in. .THAT'S FUCKING CALLED ABANDONMENT!"

"Jetta, sweety please. Now isn't the time to lose our minds. We jus-"

"Back off Myra!" My hand landed on her and a sudden burst of pressure arose between my palm and her chest. I shoved her back a few feet with everything I had. Myra's body landed against the fence. Nicholas rushed over to her side as he yelled at me indistinct words.

My breathing quickened and I marched towards Derick. electricity formed around me like a tornado and started to crackle with each step. Blake reached around and hugged me from behind in that moment. He gripped my wrists and pinned them across from me like a straitjacket, and took a few steps back, dragging me with him. As I tried to scream and wiggle myself free, his strength got more intense and left me feeling weak.

"Easy girl." Blake whispered in my ear.

The energy settled down miraculously, my eyes burned, and for the first time in a long time. . I bawled in Blake's arms. I let myself hang as he held me still, and everyone gathered around us.

"Well. . .this got interesting." A sinister voice said from atop the bleachers.

Everyone looked up to see Lucas and Davey standing above us. . .with a smirk on his face and a passed out Liesel over his shoulder.

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