Ch.4 The Courtyard Brawl

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The bell rang and every student who had a special ability used it to exit the classroom. Some flew, others teleported, one kid turned into a lion and roared his way through the crowded hallway, while another ran through the walls like a ghost.

"Oh my holy balls, Jetta! We're on the same team!" Myra squealed as she came over to my desk.

Still trying to comprehend it all, I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. "I don't know, My. The guys didn't seem too happy about it."

"Who cares? They'll like you once they get to know you. I can sense it!"

Shrugging, I followed her out of class and listened to her enlightened stories of how we're going to be one of the greatest team in Grave's Academia. As we made our way to the courtyard, I walked along the edge of the sidewalk and spread my arms to the side.

"Doing your mental clarity thing again?" Myra asked smirking as she leaned against the railway.

I slowly nodded and took a few steps forward onto its concrete surface.

"Hey, you know that carbon copy thing you do is starting to hurt a little more now. It didn't used to when you tried it on me as kids."  

"Is it really?!"

"Yea. But, hey don't worry. I can come in handy for you one day, Jet. And you'll thank me for it watch!"

I shrugged as I walked past her on the concrete railing. Myra and I have been good friends since ever, and I was surprised she remembered about the first time I copied her ability. She was the only person in my orphanage that really understood me. Besides the fact that she was the same as me but a witch. We shared each other's powers and abilities that one day I tried it on her. I'm surprised she remembered. The mental clarity technique. Was originally hers.

I took another step forward and lost my balance when something cold and firm, landed against my cheek

"Hey! Dumbass what the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled furiously at the culprit.  

"Leech!" Davey smirked and threw another snowball at me. This one had a stronger impact than the first, for it sent me straight in the air and landing on my back. The wind instantly knocked out of me and left me feeling dazed.

"Oh hell no! You gone too far this time, Davey!" Myra screamed stepping forward and snapping both of her fingers. Suddenly, her intense red aura released from her body, and she whispered her magic to grasp the dirt around us, and forming them into huge chunks of rock. "Don't make me stick these 2 boulders up your ass!"

Davey stood his ground with swirling ice and snow around him and turned his snap back around. "Let's rumble, bitch-witch."

The other students circled around us and started chanting, "Fight, Fight, Fight!"  One person had the ability to manipulate twigs and vines to make a boxing ring around Myra and Davey, while another student flew overhead and started telling the crowd play by play of what was going on.

She threw a boulder towards Davey, and he quickly dodged it with his icicle slide. He formed a whip from one of the vines and completely doused it with snow and ice. His whip cracked on the ground, pushing Myra back with her holding the second boulder still. 

I got up and raced towards Myra to help but the crowd was too thick. They surrounded the ring making it difficult to see anything. I touched a student in front of me and closed my eyes to concentrate. Feeling her energy absorb within me, I managed to copy her ability to...Dig? Confused, but desperate I looked at my hand like "wtf." Of all the abilities I had to copy, digging was the first.

The girl passed out in front of me and I quickly held her before she slammed into the ground. "Sorry." I whispered to her as I dug a hole reaching towards the fight. I could hear the rumble above me and as soon as the "instinct" told me I was here, I dug upwards and pushed myself right into the middle of the brawl.

the crowd started booing and throwing food and snacks at me. Myra grabbed my collar yanking me back from one of Davey's ice bombs, and she whispered a spell for her to rejuvenate.

"Take my hand, Jetta!" She screamed as her arm reached towards me. 

"What!? Why?" I shrieked nervously as I dodged a flying burrito.

"Just do it!"

I quickly grasped her hand and fused her energy with mine. She chanted a spell and suddenly I was able to repeat the same spell at the same time as she did. We mirrored each others movements perfectly and stood back to back with our hands pointing towards Davey.  As he stumbled to shake whatever Myra planted in his head, we both formed a spiral ball of energy and shot it straight at him. 

A loud boom filled the courtyard and dust surrounded the scenery with scattered debris. As the dust settled, everyone gasped in amazement as Lucas stood between our energy blast and Davey. With his arms crossed and his stance in a protective manner, he slowly walked towards us and cracked his neck. 

Everyone stood quiet. 

Lucas's eyes glared at me, and for the first time in forever, I was afraid. there was something in his eyes that frightened if he was someone else..or something else.

He raised his arm to point in Myra's direction and fired a ball of electricity straight towards her chest. My eyes widened as I watched Myra being flung to the ground, with her body jerking from every electrical wave that surged through her. Lucas headed towards me and grasped my neck lifting me off from the ground. "You know, you guys don't play very nice. 2 against 1 is never a fair match." 

I gasped for air as Lucas gripped tighter. I stealthily placed my finger on his skin, but he noticed right away. His grip tightened cutting off my air supply, and it made me harder to concentrate on not dying and trying to copy one of his abilities. 

"Jetta," Myra choked as she tried to crawl back up. 

Lucas looked over his shoulder and smirked. He balled his fist up and lunged back, aiming to punch me in the face. The electricity formed around his hand and I closed my eyes waiting for impact.

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