Chapter 11. The Worlds Finally Intertwine

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His crooked grin stretched towards his right ear, and a menacing chuckle whispered out of Lucas.

"Don't act so surprised, princess. You knew it was me." He said as he casually walked towards me.

My lower back pressed against the edge of the cold-stone balcony, and my hands clinged onto the edge of the railing till my knuckles turned white.

"I. . just. I."

"Hey, stuttering isn't good for you, it only makes you sound more stupid." He said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him tightly against his chest. His breath brushed against my bangs and fear iced through my veins.

"Lucas," I whimpered. "What are you doing? Why do you keep toying with me? You've embarrassed me more than once in front of people!"

I looked up into his eyes and his iris's turned black as ink.

"Oh, stop exaggerating. We're not in front of anyone now. Weren't you just twirling around here like some innocent little girl? By yourself? Now THAT'S embarrassing." He teases.

He suddenly swung us into a waltz that I didn't even know I could dance, and our movements flowed as one after a few turns. 

My gaze lingered on his eyes for a moment, and they didn't look so frightening anymore. I didn't realize that his eyes had a beautiful shade of brown with a touch of cream around the inside. His hands were firm, yet gentle as if he held a rose in his hands. I felt so close to Lucas as we danced our waltz on the balcony, yet it was strange I started to feel. .feel. . What is this. . .feeling?

It was. . .beautiful.

He smiled at me gently as he leaned in brushing his lips against my cheek. "Before our dance is up, you will be mine my darling Liesel. I will have you." 

I leaned my ear towards his lips. My eyes closed and I felt his fingers  caress down my side slowly sending shivers up my spine. His lips brushed down my neck and onto my shoulder as he left soft, subtle kisses. His voice reached my ears and my body went numb.

"You will be mine, Liesel."

I gasped as soon as I was instantly pulled from Lucas's embrace, and into the arms of another.

"Sorry to 'cut' in, but I do need to steal her away from you."

I clung to this person as I tried to regain my balance and focus. I was so nauseated that I was sure I would hurl chunks of my empty stomach out. 

What just happened? 

"Always gotta be sticking your nose into other people's business, Myra." 

Myra laughed and put my arm over her as she helped me stable myself. "I should have known you would be here."

"No kidding, Sherlock. I mean what the fuck did you expect? That I'd sit and wait to get punished for that little fight we had? Psh, you got me fucked up." 

"I suggest you leave Lucas, before I change my mind and kill you right here, right now." Myra threatened as she gripped me tighter. "You guys are messed up fro what you did to Jetta."

"Not as horrible as I did to you, sweetums. That hit I got you with, was just a little taste of what I can do. And apparently, you like it. 'Cause you keep coming back for more, bitch-witch!"

Lucas's voiced dropped deeper than his normal voice, and his breathing began to quicken. My eyesight started to come back and I stared in horror at Lucas. His eyes instantly flashed into a scarlet red and his gentleness was gone in an instant. His shirt was shredded as he held his arm and blood trickled down his hand onto the concrete floor.

"Oh my god, you're bleeding!" 

"Shit, I took too long." Myra said as she started walking backwards into the bedroom. 

Lucas stormed closer towards Myra and claws started to form from his nails. His flesh ripped as his body started to deform right in front of me. My mouth opened in a silent scream watching this. . this. . .this. . thing appear right before my very eyes. A warm sensation rushed down my legs and pooled around my feet on the marbled floor.

Myra throws me onto the ground and removes a stone from a bag that she had on her waist and chants some words that I couldn't understand. 

In an instant, a piercing screech filled the room causing us to slam our palms against our ears to block out the sound. Lucas Doubled over and slowly turned back into his normal state, as he too, tried to block out this screech. 

I turned back to Myra as she throws the stone at Lucas. It made a hollow thunk  as it landed against his head and Lucas fell over landing on his stomach. 

Myra grabs me from my shoulders and forced me to face her. "Are you ok?" She demands.

I slowly nodded.

"Good. Now I really hate to do this to you, but I need you to count to 3, ok?"



"One!. . Two. . Th. ."

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