Ch.17. Prom.

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Shadowlake High's gym was brilliantly decorated like the "Back to the Future," theme. The title was different, but the decorations were "Under the Sea." The principal dressed as Marty McFly, and the Vice Principal came as George McFLy. A woman, who clinged to the vice principal's arm dressed as Lorraine. So I assumed it was his wife. The  band members wore the same outfits. And several students came dressed like if it was 1955.

My props to whoever came up with the idea.

I stood in the corner behind the punch bowl as I watched Liesel and Derick enter the gym. Cheers and hollers echoed the building as they waved to their classmates. Seeing the look on this girl's face made me smile. After all she's been through, and that little incident with Lucas. . .She deserved something like this. I mean. . it's prom. And good things happened at Prom.


Tugging at Liesel's dress, I followed into the shadows. I cursed myself for letting her talk me into this. The dress was an onyx black and fit to my size. The gown reached the floor and swayed as I walked. But the most embarrassing part was meeting up with everyone at the entrance. Derick and Liesel complimented my look, but everyone else started laughing.

Myra has never seen me in a dress, much less in heels. Nicholas said he didn't have to guess my gender anymore. And Blake just avoided looking at me while his face turned red. Must have been trying not to throw up at the sight of me. After slapping everyone and trying to walk in these heels, we finally split and followed the plan.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to clear my mind.

<"Any sign of Luke?"> Myra asked me via telepathy.

<"Not yet. Everything seems calm so far.">

<"The markers are set up outside. How's the prima donna?"> Nicholas chirped.

<"The kids are dancing and everyone is having a good time. I don't see Luke or Davey yet."> I said as I strolled against the wall.

<"Well keep an eye out, Jet. He's bound to show up."> Blake assured.

My eyes followed Liesel and Derick like a hawk on it's prey. I roamed around looking at each kid and sending mental images to the guys.

<"There's that girl Liesel was looking for, Jetta!"> Myra exclaimed. 

My eyes followed to where this chick was and took a mental not of it. <"She seems fine. Looks like nothing happened to her."> 

<"Yea. . but that bitch shouldn't have abandoned Liesel like that. Some friend she was."> Myra huffed.

We all laughed internally as Myra ranted about Liesel's friend. Leaning against the wall, I smiled as I watched Liesel and Derick dance to "Earth Angel." They looked so peaceful and happy. She was dancing with the man of her dreams and from the looks of Derick, he enjoyed every minute of her in his arms. 

I envied her in that moment.

She had everything. Before us, she had a completely normal life. No freaky powers to control around her classmates. She has a crush and he likes her back. She's at prom. .

Liesel has a family, and friends. . .

I. . .I had no one. But Myra.

Liesel smiled as she looked into Derick's eyes. The part of "Earth Angel," where he says, "A fool in love with you," came into play as Derick leaned into Liesel and kissed her.

I turned away trying to swallow my tears and pursed my lips together as if they were the bridge to do so. My head spun and Myra's voice rang in my head.

<"Aww, Jetta.">

<"Gross.>" Nicholas said.

I forgot my telepathy was able to send thoughts AND emotions. Ignoring the others commentaries about my sad life, Davey's face came into the crowd. . .but he was alone.

He looked around and spotted me in the shadows as if he knew where to look. And as quick as I saw him, he vanished into the crowd. My stomach had an uneasy feeling and fear gripped my throat with its ice fingers.

<"Guys!"> I screamed in my message. <"I saw Davey! But that's not it, I just realized something!">

<"Yea. I felt it, Jet. It's possible."> Blake groaned.

Everyone groaned as the idea came into view about Luke camouflaging into the crowd. Davey could have been his watchdog, making sure the coast was clear. But since it wasn't, our first thought was that he scrammed to warn Lucas. The thought that Lucas could possibly shapeshift or disguise himself, terrified us.

<"We need a plan B and fast, or this will never work!>" Nicholas hissed.

<"There is too many kids here that could get caught in the crossfire, Jetta. You need to get them out of there!>" Blake yelled.

<"Jetta, quick! You need to get her out NOW!"> Myra ordered.

But before I could answer them back, someone yanked my arms and shoved me towards the closed up bleachers. As Derick's face came into view, he leaned towards me, yelled in my ear as loud as he could and shook me violently.


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