Chapter 6. Liesel

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{A few days later}. . .

I was like so close to dying in Mr. Lee's history class. All his talk of wars and something about Louisiana's lousy purchase literally had me dying in there. The bell finally rang for lunch and I squealed for joy. Flipping my brown curls off my shoulders, I hugged my books close to my chest and snaked my way through the crowded hallway. 

The jocks whistled as I walked by and I winked at one over my shoulder. My floral skirt swayed against my thighs as I moved my hips a little more aggressively for them to swoon. I overheard one of them groan "damn," under his breath and a smirk appeared on my gorgeous lips.

As I entered the cafeteria doors, I caught sight of my girls waving me over, and rushed to be by their side. Sarah leaned in and whispered for only us to hear, "Liesel, we heard something juicy that we need to tell you, NOW."

"Ooh, do tell." I grinned as I grabbed the greek yogurt.

Felicity sucked the life out of her lollipop before plopping it out of her mouth. "Well, we just found out, that Derick, the school's all star athlete has THE HOTS for you! Like THE HOTS, Liesel!"

My mouth dropped. 

"Derick Masterson is the most popular guy in our high school. For him to have the hots for me is like, Prince Charles having the hots for Regina George in Mean Girls. Except I'm more like, you know the African girl from the movie cause I'm like so nice. Who wouldn't want me?" I said as I started eating my yogurt. 

Sarah counted the calories on her snack wrap and started peeling away some of the wrapper. "So true. I heard this from Elizabeth from class 306. She overheard them talking in the locker room after practice, I overheard her tell some other girl and I came and told Fel, and we came and told you."

"Ugh, how did she get near the locker room in the first place?" Felicity gagged.

"Shh! It don't matter, what matters is that she found out, and she's a creep and Derick Masterson has THE HOTS for me." 

We put our hands in the middle and lifted them up in an exaggerated raise. "So true!"

The jocks that I walked by in the hallway earlier, approached our table and surrounded us like wolves who had found their next prey.

"Ladiieesss," breathed Lucas, the quarterback for the football team, "so there's a rumor that's caught our attention and we wanna know if it's true." 

The other guys sat with us and I watched as one wrapped an arm around a disgusted Felicity. "Depends, we don't kiss and tell." She said rolling her eyes.

Davey reached in between her legs and leaned her back.  "Well then, I guess we're gonna have to drag it outta you."

"Ugh you're such a pig, Davey!" 

As the rest of the crowd laughed at Davey getting his face slapped by Felicity, Lucas sat next to me and whispered in my ear. "You know, if you don't like Masterson, Princess; I'll be more then glad to have you as my midnight snack." As he said "midnight snack," a low chuckle brushed against my ear and sent shivers down my spine. 

And not the good kind. . .

"Well we'll just see, Lucas. I am pretty irresistible." I boasted as I slowly leaned away from his side. 

He got closer to where I could feel his chest slowly rise and fall from each breath he took, and his arm hooked around my neck as he leaned me in towards his ear again. "Yes, you are irresistible. That's a fact. And I just loove it when someone like you teases my craving, Princess." 

He grabs my hand and firmly plants it on the bulge that slowly rose from under his pants. With a smirk he groaned, "The way you moved your hips in that skirt girl, got me wondering what else you can do with that body of yours."

My eyes widened and my face flushed as I looked into his grey eyes. Quickly removing my hand from his grasp, I turned back to face the group sitting at our table. Everyone else seemed unaware of our little conversation. The rest of the jocks that joined Davey, began placing bets to see how long I'd last being single and if they could have a chance with Sarah or Felicity. Their voices started to ring in my head and suddenly, my temples began to pulse.

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