Ch.21. . Surprise. .

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We all screamed as Liesel's blood dripped from down her arm onto the ground. Lucas began chewing her skin like if it was bubble gum. His face slowly turned into disgust as he spat out a rag and some sand.

"A rag doll!?" He exclaimed as the "Liesel" turned to sand in his hands.

Derick smirked and used the sand to form a strong cocoon around Lucas. He closed his hands in front of him as he laced his fingers together and squeezed as hard as he could.

Lucas squirmed and began shrieking like some kind of possessed demon. Derick slammed Lucas into the ground surrounded in this sand cocoon, and let it disperse. Lucas seemed drained and hung his head as he groaned.

"Is. . is it over?" Liesel asked as she clinged to Myra.

"I don't know." I answered for her.

Derick trotted over towards us and leaned on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "Shit, i haven't done that in a long time."

"Hold up." I said standing up. "What do you mean, 'long time,' you have powers like the rest of us?"

"Ye. .I told you I can't explain the details right now." Derick said as he panted.

"Why not?!" I screamed again.

"Yeeesss, Derick. Whyyy nooottttttsssssss."

The sound of cracking came from the sand cocoon Derick made. What seemed like pieces of hard sand breaking, turned out to be Lucas's body as he broke his own bones to crawl out. He looked like something from a horror movie.

His skin turned pale and surrounded in veins. His head twisted at an irregular angle, and his smile stretched all across his face. It was horrendous.

Liesel shrieked as everyone stood in shock as Lucas stood literally in pieces in front of us. "Whyy don't yoouu tell her what we aarreeee, Deriicckkkk. . .Blaakeeeee."

"What the fuck is he talking about!?" Myra screamed as she gripped Nicholas.

"Blake?" I whimpered.

Derick and Blake rushed towards Lucas, but got pushed back by some kind of electrical wave. Blake knocked out as he piled into the bleachers again. And Derick skidded like a stone across the football field. Nicholas flew overhead and shot a few arrows, aiming for Lucas's joints. But one look from Lucas and Nicholas went soaring through the air onto the field goal poles.

Myra shrieked for Nicholas and Liesel crouched behind me as she cried in fear.

"You don't know what we are, Jetta?" Lucas sneered as he slowly limped towards us.

Swallowing my fear, I stood up and walked towards Lucas. Myra grabbed my arm and said something but I couldn't really hear her. Shoving her off, I answered back to Lucas. "No. I don't."

His smile sent shivers throughout my body and the sound of his voice made me sick. But after witnessing everyone getting beat while I sat around, was sickening enough. I'm tired of everyone taking care of me.

I'm tired of not being useful.

I'm tired of being a burden.

And I'm tired of living the life I live.

If I'm going to die, I might as well die while protecting the people that are precious to me.

"Yoouuu don't rememberrr do yoouuuu." Lucas said in a snakelike voice.

"Cut the shit and spill the beans already. You look like you want to rub it in my face, so do it."

Lucas snickered and tried pulling himself together. "Weeee areeee experimeenttsssssss. Yoouu, meee, Derick, and your precious Blaakeeee."

My voice caught in my throat as I whimpered, "What!?"

"Yeessssss. We were made in a pitriii diishhh. All four of ussss. We all had speciall powerssss. . .But for some reason. . .YOU were the woorssstttttt."

"Jetta, don't listen to him!" Blake groaned as he came to.

My body gently swayed back and forth like if I was being rocked. I could hear the screaming of everyone else around me but I couldn't hear what they said.

"Yoouu, were the biggeessttt mistaakkeee and for that. . We had to get riid of yoouuu. And who better to do a job like that than Derick himsellffff. But. . as yoouuu can ssseee. He fucked that up tooo. So nooow, I'M here to finish his job. .and while I was at it, I'd take a ssssnack with meeeee."  He said as his eyes pierced into mine.

"Jettaa Mastersooonn. .You thought, you were alone, had nobody, and didn't fit in. . Well. . You're riightttt. You're just a mistake that needed to be dessstroyed and your stupid brother, fucked that up. And what's woorseee. . .You were the strongest. .When I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE STRONGEST!"

The sound of glass shattering filled the air and my eyes blinked bringing me back to reality.

"What the-"

"Jetta! Oh my fucking Gahd Jetta, you're ok!" Myra said with tears streaming down her face.

"What happe-"

"You didn't see!?" Myra choked out.

I shook my head no. She turned my body that was on the ground to face Derick, Nicholas and Blake fighting off Lucas. . .who now had half of his body turn into a full blown anaconda.

"He had you like a mouse in his grip and he was going to eat you! Oh my fucking gahd Jetta, I'm so glad Blake saved you!"

"Blake, Derick? . .Wait! Where's Leisel!?" I panicked.

All of a sudden, Lucas slithered his way past the guys and headed straight towards Liesel. We didn't realize that she ran off towards the woods as if that would protect her. Myra and I sprinted towards her as the guys yelled for us to come back.

Liesel's back pressed against the fence as she turned to scream at Lucas. He raised himself in front of her, and opened his mouth like a snake. I managed to get there first and push Liesel out if his way, dodging his fangs as it clenched the metal fence behind me.

His screech filled the air and popped my eardrum, causing blood to trickle down onto my shoulder. His hand raised as his nails grew out like daggers from his skin."YOU FUCKED UP MY PLANS LONG ENOUGH, JETTA MASTERSON! NOW IT'S TIME TO FINISH THE JOB THAT SHOULD HAVE ENDED, 20 YEARS AGO!"

 I stood and pressed my back against the fence. If I was to die protecting the people that are precious to me, then this was the way to do it. 

I closed my eyes and waited for my final impact.

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