Ch.14. The Meeting.

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You know, there was a quote I read in a book once. It went something like this:

"There are two types of 'tired', I suppose. One is a dire need of sleep, the other is a dire need of peace."

At this moment, those words grew legs and ran around in circles of my subconscious brain like if it was a track meet. I couldn't tell if I was exhausted cause I needed sleep, or cause I needed peace.

Mentally, I was drained. We took a whole hour explaining to Liesel that it's dangerous if we let her go home alone. Lucas was probably waiting for her there to try and take her again. She finally backed down at the mention of his name. It seemed to have tamed her like a shock collar on a rabid dog. Her parents were out of town, and she explained that she doesn't communicate with anyone else. So her turning into a "Missing Person" didn't bother us much anymore.

While on my physical side of my exhaustion, Myra's nightly conversations in her sleep kept me up. And knowing how curious I am, I tend to eavesdrop on whatever she says. 

I glared at Liesel as she sat on my couch. I let her borrow my clothes for the day and tossed her pee-stained dress in the garbage. We couldn't have her looking like a cheap prostitute when the guys show up. That was one thing Myra and I agreed on.

"Still mad, I see." Myra stated as she passed by me. I knew she caught me glaring at Liesel, but I wasn't going to admit that to her.

"No. Just thinking. What do you plan to do, My? I mean It's not making any sense."

"Don't worry about it. I called Nicholas to come over with Blake so that we can make a plan."

I almost fainted. "What!?"

"What? Jetta, I told you already. Something is up! I can feel it in my bones."

"Jeez, My. First of all, you could have asked me to invite them over. This is my house you know. Second, You know they hate me. And last I checked. . .We're not a team." I groaned running my fingers through my hair.

Myra hung her head in despair, but that ended when the doorbell rang. She sprinted to open the front door, and invited them in.

The feeling in the room was. . .awkward, to say the least.

Blake avoided eye contact with me, as always, and Nicholas and Myra were acting like love birds. Everyone introduced themselves to Liesel and sat for our little meeting. , Nicholas pulled Myra into his lap and Blake and I sat opposite each other on the sofas. I could see his knee bounce up and down from the nerves, and I shuffled in my seat, trying to stay relaxed.

"Thanks for coming guys." Myra starts. "As I explained to babes over the phone, I ran into Lucas at this party and he had her in his arms." She concluded pointing to Liesel.

It was Blake's turn to say something. "Myra, you know I'm willing to do anything to help you out. I still have a bone to pick with Lucas. But I won't do it if, she's on the team." He says pointing his head to my direction.

I bit my tongue from lashing back at Blake. He did have a point there. Why did they need me?

"Blake, I know you and Jetta had. . er. . let's just call it bad blood? Anyways, I need BOTH of you. So please, don't cause unnecessary shit. Lucas is after Liesel and we need to know why. Didn't you say you knew him once upon a time Blake?"

Blake looked down and held his hands together as he bit his bottom lip. "Yea. I did."

"Did?" I asked this time.

Blake glared at me then his face softened after a few seconds. "Yea. I did. Let's just say. . He's not the same Lucas I knew."

Myra cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"He's just-"

"A monster."

Everyone turned to face Liesel as she hugged her knees yet again. She looked like a little girl trying to hide from the boogeyman as she held her knees tighter. Her gaze stared off into the distance and her skin turned to a chalky white.

"Hes dangerous." She says. "And I don't think he's human. . anymore."

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