Ch.13. The Debate

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"Lucas?" I asked again confused. "You mentioned him already, but what does this have to do with me?"

"Jet, I'm asking you to help me. I think I know what Lucas and Davey are up to, but I need proof and more people to believe me."

"Oh, and you think they're going to believe me?" 

The girl cried as she hugged her knees to her chest.

"Hey, get your dirty feet off my couch!" I snapped irritated. "Myra, you better start explaining cause I'm about to lose it."

Myra stood up and placed her hands on my shoulders. "I saved her from Lucas tonight. At the SAME party we were at. I went upstairs and happened to see Lucas and her on this balcony. It was almost as if. . she was hypnotized." 

My eyebrow raised and looked at her like if she was the crazy one. "Myra. . .how many drinks have you had?"


"NO! YOU LISTEN MYRA!" I screamed pushing her off of me. "I NEEDED YOUR HELP! For weeks I haven't heard from you! I NEEDED YOU! MY BEST FRIEND! You never asked how I felt after the courtyard brawl, not even tried to reach me, and now all of a sudden, you want me to help you, help this bratty teenager, and save the world from Lucas and his hypnosis? Is that it? Jeez Myra. I never expected my best friend to treat me this way. Use your genie juju and fix this yourself! You don't need me. .You proved it already."

Myra balled her hands into fists. "If you weren't so, 'Oh, woe is me, I'm little miss fuck-up, boohoo,' we probably could have helped you! You ARE my best friend. I know how you are about wanting time to heal, especially after a public event such as that fight! That's why I never asked you! But I do need you, Jet. NOW more than ever."

"Please, don't hurt me. Just let me go and take whatever you want! Just please don't hurt me!" The girl cried as she curled tighter into a ball.

Myra face palmed and I stared at her like if she was an idiot. "You never told her who we were?"

"Didn't have the chance to." She says rubbing her forehead. 

"Great. Now what." I huffed. 

"We'll just have to show her." 


Myra looks around the room and her eyes slowly landed on the bandage on my hand. "What you do?" 

"Cut myself tryna make a sandwich. No big deal." I said rather embarrassed.

"Shoulda known." 

Myra reached for my hand and forced me to sit next to the girl. The girl leaned all the way to the corner of the couch, as if that would help get more distance between us. 

"First of all, what's your name?" Myra asked as she unraveled my bandage.


"I'm Myra. This is my best friend-

"Ex best frie-OW! That hurt!"

"Shut up. This is my best friend Jetta."

Liesel's eyes shifted between us and to the cut on my hand. Her face turned pale and she held her head slightly. Myra gave her the teacup and she took a sip as she slowly regained her color back.

"What happened to me?" She asks.

"I'll explain everything that we know in a minute."

"Hurry up, My. I don't wanna sit next to Madame Le Pew' for so long."

"Quit it." She orders as she pinches my arm.

Wincing from her nails digging into my skin, she placed her palm onto my cut and slowly chants her healing spell. Small spirals of lavender, pooled out from her wrist and leaked into my cut. A small light showed between Myra's fingers and Liesel's eyes widened in fear. Myra assured her it was going to be just fine. And once the spell finally healed my cut, we showed Liesel to prove that our powers exist. Her mouth flew open and for a moment she was speechless. 

"Liesel. I never was good at sugar coating things. All I know is how to tell you straight up. I'm a witch."

We both watched as Liesel's eyes rolled into the back of her head and pass out onto the couch. Rolling my eyes I stand up and head towards the kitchen. Myra shook her head and follows behind me. 

"So,  you cut yourself?"

"Uh hu."

"You forgot the healing spell, didn't you?"


Myra smirked and leans against the counter. "What would you do without me?"

"I don't know. But I know what you're doing without me." I said in a light hearted tone.

"What's that?"

Shoving her a rag and bucket, I pushed her towards the living room. "Cleaning my couch from her pee stain!"

**A/N. . .It's 3 am. This chapter may seem unnecessary, but I did write this for a reason. It will be revealed soon. I Promise. If you made it this far in reading "Headphones. . ." Thank you so much and I greatly appreciate ya! Enjoy!


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