Chapter 8. Disappointment. . .Disappointment everywhere.

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The ride home was a blur, like if I was on autopilot or something. The only thing I remember clearly is entering the kitchen and seeing the note my parents left me saying how they are going to be gone for a few days for a business meeting. Mother's P.S note on the bottom made me shake my head in disappointment. . .Like always.

There is meatloaf and potatoes in the fridge, but you can manage to make something for the other few days. 


Typical. Did she even remember that I hated meatloaf?

After heating up some potatoes, I relaxed into the coziness of my personal space. My mouth watered as I swirled them in the bowl, but my stomach wasn't feeling it. Sitting on my purple bean bag, I began to nibble on some of the mashed potatoes, and of course, spat them back out. 

Another disappointment. 

The bowl made a loud noise as it slammed against the ground, spilling its contents onto my mahogany wooden floor. Tears just rolled down my cheeks without any force or sob, and this time I didn't even bother to stop them.

My phone's ringtone startled me a bit and while wiping the tears off my face, Felicity's name popped up in the caller I.D. Debating on whether or not I should really answer, I went ahead and did anyways.

"Heeeeey giiiiirl!" 

"Hey, Fel." I said making sure I didn't go deaf on my other ear.

"Whatcha doin right now?"

"Just relaxing at home. Why?"

"Mm, boring. Wanna come over to my house? I'm bored and Sarah is sick." She says in her somewhat demanding tone. Knowing her, there was no way I was going to get out of this one. 

"I don't know, Fel. I'm, uh, watching the Mrs. Universe right now and I'm trying to get an idea for prom."

"So? Watch it with me at my house. It's the same thing except you won't be alone. You'll be with your best friend! Now cmon. Don't be such a hermit." 

Typical. She couldn't even tell how I really felt by listening to my voice.  But, It was worth a shot. 

"Fine. I'll be there in a few."

"Awesome! OH! Don't forget to stop at the store and bring some snacks. Love ya!"

Disgusted, I heard the call end and shake my head in disbelief. I could have said no, but she wouldn't have stopped whining. Defeated, I wore my gray hoodie, grabbed some snacks from the house and stuffed them in my bag and started to head to Fel's house. 


As soon as I arrive, Fel yanks me upstairs to her room and slams the door shut. 

"What the hell?" I managed to breath out.

"Im so glad you're here! But if my mom asks what we're doing, tell her its a sleepover because I don't want them to know what I'm really doing." She giggles excitedly.

"Yea, I noticed." I murmured confused. Leaning on what looked like her bed, I took a quick glance around her room. 

In a much better term for it, her room was chaotic. Fel's room looked like if her closet had a violent vomiting episode. Her designer clothes and shoes were sprawled all over her bed, dresser, and her floor. Her makeup and brushes were scattered all over her dresser and her bags were literally hanging off her bed poles. "Uh, Fel? What are you really doing?" I asked nervously.

As she continued to toss clothes out of her endless closet, she tossed me a black garment and turned to face me as she pressed a hot pink mini-dress against her body. "WE are going to a party tonight, young lady!"

I choked "A party!?"

"Yeap! Davey got us 2 invites to a college party. To think that our popular boys got invited to a college frat party and we're  invited!" She squealed as she continued to find the perfect slut-fit.

" your parents? Don't they know?"

"NO. That's why, we're sneaking out. Duh."

"For shit's sakes think about this! I mean, we're Seniors and if we get caught? We are going to be soo dead. No, I can't go. I'm sorry." I declared as I looked at her onyx backless dress in my hands.

Felicity gave me one of her "how-dare-you" stares and flung another slutty dress on. "What is with you, Liesel? I mean, don't be pissing up my good mood just because your parents are never around, ok? There is hot college guys going to be there, not to mention it is going to be THE MOST POPULAR party before the prom, and WE'RE going to this party! I'm not missing it and YOU damn well are not going to make me miss it."

Pained by her words and her attitude towards me, I bit my bottom lip and thought for a moment. That was quickly interrupted when Fel, snatched the dress from my hands. "Now change into this. Put your hair up in that sexy up-do u did for my house party, and wear my Jimmy Choos with this. YOU are going to this party with me."

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