Ch.15. .The Brainstorm that led to The Gameplan!

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I swear Myra's forehead was going to have a dent from so many facepalms.

"How 'monster-like' was he?" Nicholas sneered as he tried his best to not laugh out loud. Myra ribbed her obnoxious boyfriend and gave him a menacing stare. He settled down, while Blake bit his lip controlling his laughter.

"I know what Liesel saw, remember that you guys." Myra stated. "I saved her from it by using my call of the wild spell."

"That's the spells name?" I asked.

"No. That's the name I gave it since it does contain a screech from beyond." She chuckled.

Liesel sat forward and stared at Myra wide-eyed. "So, that screech was from beyond? Like the dead?"

"Ehm. .It's a witch's secret."

"But what about you throwing the stone? Was that supposed to be a secret!?"

"Oh that? No, I panicked and it just happened to land on his head. It worked tho!" Myra cheered as Nicholas patted her knee with a 'good job babe.'

"Ok. So now that we heard Myra tell us the story in detail. What do we do?" Blake said as he strolled into the kitchen.

"Well. . ." I said awkwardly. "Liesel said he is like some monster. Myra's spell worked. So, that means he has a weakness somewhere. We should find out what he is. What his abilities are. And I think Blake knows the answer to that." I concluded.

Blake choked out the milk he drank from the carton and wiped his lips with his sleeve. "Why me?"

"Well. .Blake, I mean you said tha-"

"Yea. I know what I said. But that don't mean you can boss me around, lil lady. I can choose to help yall or not. And I ain't doin shit for you just cause you said so."

My face blushed as his country accent started to appear. His tall, broad body leaned against the wall as he closed the milk carton. His eyebrow raised glaring at me, as if to say, "whatcha gonna do now, darlin?"

Ok. .Enough was enough with him being all douchebag like towards me. I had gotten beaten up, bullied, and talked down on just because my ability is shitty and useless. But I'm still human. We needed to get Lucas under control, and we needed to do it as a team.

Balling up my fists, I marched my 5'3-self towards Blake.

"Now listen here you tumbleweed, wrestling, cowboy! I'm not here to boss you around, and to be quite honest, I don't expect much from you. Whatever happened between us at the courtyard, is HISTORY! You saved my life, and I thank you for it. But if you're still all icky-vicky just cause our lips touched, then you got some growing up to do, mister! And damn it, You're going to tell us EVERYTHING you know about Lucas! Or so help me, I'll drain EVERY power from your body Blake! Now move out!" I demanded as I jabbed his hard chest with my finger.

Blake's eyes stared at me without any emotion, but then something flashed in his green eyes. He slowly nodded his head and walked towards the couch without a word. Liesel stared at me in astonishment, as Nicholas and Myra gaped with their mouths wide opened.

Brushing off my tantrum I glanced at the crew. "Well. Let's get started."

Everyone started moving and getting things that we thought we needed. Myra went to grab her book of spells with magical charms and trinkets. Nicholas reached for his bag of weapons. Blake grabbed several encyclopedias about different mythical creatures, and Liesel sat there staring. 

I grabbed my journal and sat next to Liesel, writing every single detail that she remembered in Lucas. From the hairy body transformation down to the scarlet colored eyes. She explained how she felt when they danced a waltz on a balcony. And how instantly she was pulled into a beautiful fantasy world with Lucas. She felt a strange feeling and her body went numb as he whispered a few words in her ear. But that was all she remembered after Myra pulled her back.

We researched through our books, weaponry and spells for what seemed like hours. But still couldn't find anything that matched his description.

"Damn it!" Nicholas exclaimed. "So, if he's not a vampire, a demon, and he's not a werewolf. Then what the fuck is he?!"

Blake ran his fingers through his hair and groaned as his frustration reached its peak. "I don't fucking know, ok? She said monster, but nothing fits. Not even mythical."

For several more minutes we sat there in silence, stumped about what Lucas could be. Myra started fixing us up some tea, and I noticed Liesel mess with the flower design on my couch.

Her innocent face made me feel sorry for her after all she's been through. To come from a normal social life, to this upside down X-Men reality. .She must have gone through a lot of emotions. She's so fragile, and petite, almost adorable just like a little bunny rabbit.

A bunny rabbit!

I jumped off my seat and suggested my idea. "We'll set a trap!"

"A what!?" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

"A trap! See, we don't know WHAT Lucas is. . but we do know what he WANTS." I said pointing to Liesel.

The look of shock on her face was priceless as she started to shake her head frantically. "N-NO!!! I won't! You can't make me!" 

"I think it's a great idea." Nicholas agreed. "We'll use her to lure Lucas in. But the question is how and where." 

Myra sat and touched her temples to think while Blake paced the room with his arms folded across his chest.  Liesel started to freak out and oppose the idea of being live bait for Lucas. "No, please! Don't make me!"

"Hey, don't pee on my couch again!" I snapped.
Liesel glanced down and then looked towards Myra's gypsy skirt, obeying my command.


It was Myra's turn to sit up this time. "Prom?!" 

"Yea. Prom is in a few weeks and. .Lucas is going." She said as she shivered.

Everyone exchanged glances and a smirk appeared on Myra's face. "Perfect. Jetta can help you get ready for the prom at your house. And also be your backup just in case. Blake and Nicholas can set up the attack and I'll come up with some spells to catch him. It sounds genius!"

"But there's a problem," I said. "She doesn't have a date. Don't you need a date for prom?"

The groaning from the girls let me know that I was right. 

"Don't worry about that." Blake said. "I know just the guy."

In a few seconds, Blake takes out his cell phone and dials a number. As the person on the other end picks up, we hear, "Hey Derick! Its me Blake. .Yea. .I have a job for you."

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