Ch.2 Grave's Academia for the Specifically Talented.

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The tardy bell rang reminding me that I was late. Taking my jacket off and wrapping it around my waist, I creaked the door halfway open and slipped inside the classroom. My teacher and my classmates had their backs turned towards me, making it easier to be unnoticed.

As I tiptoed to my seat thinking I made it, something whizzed past my ear and struck the wall behind me. Everyone slowly turned to face me, and a couple of students snickered as Mrs. Francesca started to aim another pencil towards my forehead. I could feel my cheeks burn from the embarrassment and I turned to face the other pencil that just missed me by a hairline.

"You're late again, Jetta." She purred.

"I. . .I'm sorry Mrs. Francesca. It was a rather. . .difficult morning."

Her slender hand raised up to her face to lower her glasses from her eyes, and placed them on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes slowly glowed into a greenish hue as she analyzed me from head to toe. "Hmm. If you say so. But, you do know that an apprentice attending Grave's must use their powers willingly." She declared.

"Yes ma'am." I muttered glancing down to avoid her gaze. I wasn't going to admit to her that i didn't want to use my powers. But somehow, it seemed like she could tell.

She turned her body to face in my direction and slowly clasped her hands behind her back. Her soft, smokey colored tail swished back and forth, as it usually did before she would pounce on her prey, and perked her ears to an alert stance.

"Pupils, starting from now on, whoever shall be late for my first period, will have to demonstrate a piece of their powers to the whole class as part as a major grade."

The groaning from the other students made her smirk and her whiskers twitch with excitement."Mmm music to my ears." She purred. "You can all thank Jetta for it."

Several classmates gave me death stares and the rest just ignored my existence. I sank into my desk and let my ombre, purple/black hair down, pushing some of its layers to cover my face from the obvious blush that showed on my cheeks.

"Now, back to our day's curriculum, open your spell books to page 32. We will learn a lesson on self healing for when we are faced in a difficult battle situation, while our healer is out."

As the rest of the class joined in on the lesson, I stared at the pages from Grave's Academia for the Specifically Talented. Being a student here is obviously because you have special powers, or abilities that make you different from the rest of the normal human race. Apparently, this school was founded by William H. Grave, and it was dedicated to all the other students who didn't fit in, training us to use our powers for good and to control our "villainous desires." Typical X-Men shit, if you asked me.

Just as I thought I was about to die of boredom, Myra, who sat a few seats away from me, started moving her hand in a wave-like motion. My pencil stood straight up and started writing on my notebook paper.

"Wtf happened to u this morning?!?"

Sighing, I watched as she slowly stood up and started heading towards the back of the classroom. Reaching for the palm of her hand, I tapped my finger on her skin and concentrated on copying her ability to write a message back.

A wave of energy surged through me from my index finger, and Myra suddenly gripped the table.

Mrs. Francesca's ear perked to our direction."Is there anything you would like to share with us, Miss Solaris?"

"Uh, no Mrs. F," Myra winced, staggering to gain her balance, "I hit my knee on the table again."

A few students giggled and the teacher raised her hand to silence the laughter. "I do not want to have the impression that you are an incapable student who is constantly stumbling over one's two feet, Myra. Now, take your seat." Turning back to the chalkboard to finish the lesson, Myra raced back to her seat and winked at me from over her shoulder.

Mimicking her ability to control objects with my hand, I aimed for her glitter pen and repeated the same wave-like movement with my hand and wrote back: "Nothing, I just didn't sleep well last night."


Scoffing, I shrugged and looked at her note on my journal. Moving my hand again I responded: "Uh, yea. Tf u mean again, My?"

"Lol! Don't get feisty, leave that to Madame F. I'm just asking cause Blake asked for u."

I sat straight up and tried to nonchalantly look around the room for Blake. He was sitting towards the middle, left section, and was leaning over reading on self healing. His Brown-Blonde hair sat perfectly in a tousled style and his built arms, fitted just right in that solid black shirt he wore today. Blushing, I quickly responded to Myra: "You're such a liar. Don't play like that."

Laughing, she cancelled the spell on my pencil and went back to our lesson. The bell rang for second period and everyone rushed out the door. As I reached over to grab my backpack, my classmates pushed me with their bags and avoided "touching" me as I tried to stand up from the ground.

"Watch it, Rooougee."

"Careful bro, or parasite here will feed off your powers." One guy said.

His girlfriend responded, "She doesn't deserve to be here, I don't understand why they let her in."

"So was she like, an experiment or was she born with it?"

"Maybe it's Maybelline." Another student said.

I slipped on my jacket and hid in my headphones, drowning out the laughter and snazzy remarks from the rest of my classmates. Myra came over to where I was and quickly ushered me out into the hallway. "C'mon Jet, you don't need that."

I silently let her guide me out, completely unaware of the guy who standing by the door as we rushed past him.

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