Chapter 9. The Barbie of Shadowlake High

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Fel was right. 

This party was MASSIVE

People I didn't even know showed up to this party. Guys were playing beer pong, the girls were dancing on every single thing that had a flat surface, and to top it off, booze was everywhere. 

Felicity felt right at home while she dragged me through the house. I was so uncomfortable wearing her dress that stopped right at my thighs. Her Jimmy Choos hurted like hell, and I was terrified that my up-do was going to unravel and my hair would fall into someone's drink.

"Oh shit, this party is lit, Liesel!" 

"What?!" I asked, raising my voice just a bit so that she could hear me over the music.

"Omg, there's Davey. I'll see you, Liesel!"

"Wait, no Felicity!.."

Too late. By the time I tried to stop her she disappeared into the crowd and ended up being Davey's arm candy for the night. Trying to blend in at this party, my body made way to the kitchen to get something to drink. Obviously, my clumsiness had to kick in at the proper moment, I tripped and ended up spilling my drink on Fel's dress. 


She's going to kill me. . 

"Hey it can't be that bad. It's just punch."

Apparently I said that out loud. I turned around and looked straight into some tall guy's chest. All I saw was a black t-shirt. My eyes slowly looked up and a small yelp came from my mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think I was that scary looking." Derick said as he giggled a bit.

Speechless and mind-fucked, I couldn't find the words to talk to my crush. My words jumbled and I could hear myself blow it with Derick Masterson. Here was my chance to finally have a full conversation with him, and I am blowing it by looking like some dumbass who spilled punch on a designer dress.

His eyebrow raised as he looked at me. "You ok?" 

I blinked and tried to communicate like a proper human."Oh geez. Yea, I'm sorry.. I.. yea, I, I drink spilled on me dress. I mean, i mean, I spilled some drink on my breast, wait.. NO! Oh god."

Derick's hand flew to hold his stomach as he leaned forward in a hearty laugh. 

Embarrassed, and ashamed, I turned to leave him but his hand gently grabbed my hand. Wiping the tear off his eye with the other hand he says, "Hey, I'm sorry Liesel, really. It's just that, I've never seen The Barbie of Shadowlake High speechless before. It was. . .pretty cute."

Was that a blush?

"I'm sorry I don't know why I'm so clumsy tonight."

"It's cool. There's too many people anyway."

My eyes couldn't look away from Derick's and for that moment, it was just him and I. His hair brushed slightly above his brown eyes, his lips were soft and smooth, and his neck. . .whoa.

Before I had a chance to continue my love struck fantasy, another voice rang out from the crowd towards us. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Masterson and Donelly."

That voice sent shivers down my spine and I could feel the color turn pale on my skin.

"Hey Lucas. What's going on man." Derick said with a strained voice.

Lucas grinned maliciously and put his arm over my shoulder. "Oh, just enjoying this here party. But I see you guys are enjoying it too." 

Derick exchanged glances between us as I whimpered with Lucas's arm around me. The situation started to bring a crowd around us and Davey appeared with another girl on his arm. 

"Well what do you say, champ? Wanna be the Ken to this Barbie?" He teased as he slapped my right buttcheek. "I mean, she is already looking mightyyy finnee in this dress for you to rip off. I mean, look at this ass right here. Delicious." 

His hand gripped my ass and squeezed and pulled at it like if it was a piece of taffy.  "Lucas, stop it, please! You're drunk!." I begged trying to get myself away from him.

Derick steps forward, gently lifting Lucas's arm off of me, and shoves him lightly back. 

"The fuck you do that for, Derick? I was having fun."

"A little too much fun. You know, if you were able to grip Liesel's buttcheek without a problem, then  you should be able to grip the football, Lucas. Might help you with your throw game." Derick said cooly. 

Everyone around us started raising their cups and glasses to cheer Derick and Lucas on for a fight. 

"Watch your mouth, Masterson." Lucas sneered.

Without a word, Derick took my hand and leads me out the house.

"Yea, you BETTER RUN, MASTERSON! That's all you'll ever do is run away from a problem! You don't have the balls to fight back!  " Lucas hollered as the rest of the people joined in on the laughter. 

My only instinct was to cling to Derick as if my life depended on it. The fear I had for Lucas was unexplainable and I couldn't tell why. After what seemed like a few minutes of walking, Derick stops abruptly and pulls me into his embrace. 

I didn't realize I was crying. My arms clinged to his back and my sobs muffled into his shirt. Every bone in my body shook from the embarrassment of being man-handled like that in front of everyone. And especially by Lucas. . .Again. I felt like my dignity was stripped away from me in that instant. I was humiliated.

No. I was frightened.

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