Ch.12. Who's the Girl, Myra?

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Blood slowly drained down the sink, as water washed over the cut on my hand. I cursed myself for being so careless. But also cursed myself for being so weak. .

Ever since the brawl in the courtyard a few weeks ago, I haven't been the same. I'm terrified of everything and anything now, I don't try and use my "power" during school projects and what's worse. .I haven't heard from the guys in team 8.

Not even from Myra.

 My heart sank as I thought about it some more. This "ability" really was a curse.

It wasn't my fault that my ability is shitty.

It wasn't my fault that we had a fight. . .just like it wasn't my fault that I was hungry at 2 in the morning, and being clumsy with the kitchen knife didn't help. I tried to concentrate on that healing spell Myra taught me awhile back. But couldn't seemed to remember how it started, so i quickly gave up.

"I'll ask Myra when I see her." I told myself. "If I see her."

The random banging on the door made me jump and my first instinct was to press my back against the wall. Since I lived alone I knew not to make a sound and pretend like I wasn't home or asleep. But my mind started to race, imagining the worst scenarios that could possibly happen. Some psycho serial killer could be loose, and randomly picked my townhouse as a target. Or worse, death could be knocking. .

But the banging soon turned into pounding and a familiar voice boomed from the door. "Jetta! I know you're there! Open this door right now, or so help me I will haunt you when I die!"

Relieved I rushed towards the door."Damn My, I just needed to say your name 2 more times before you appear!" I teased excitedly.

My smile faded as I swung the door open. Myra stood there panting and covered in dirt as if she dug her way to my townhome. Her gypsy skirt was tattered and her headwrap was on her neck like a scarf. I stared at the girl passed out in her arms and then looked back at Myra.

I kinda wished it was a serial killer at this point.

"What did you do?"

Myra rushed passed me and tossed the girl on the couch. She pushes me to the side and puts her finger to her lips, signaling me to stay quiet. Slamming the door and pulling the  curtains together, she stood perfectly still and glances through the peephole.

After a few moments of pure silence and only hearing the sound of our breathing, she finally spoke. "I'm sorry for barging in, Jetta. . .but we have a serious situation on our hands. .and I mean serious."

"As serious as that time you lost your charm bracelet?" I asked sarcastically.

"Jetta! Im dead serious!" she snapped. "Cmere."  Myra dragged me towards the couch and points to the girl. "She is in serious trouble."

My eyes analyzed this girl from head to toe. She looked younger than both of us, and had on this expensive looking dress that reached her thighs. Her feet were covered in dirt. Her hair was a mess and my nose wrinkled as I got closer to her. "She stinks, Myra. Why'd you throw her on my couch."

"Jet, It's a long story."

"Okaay?" I asked annoyed.

"Remember that party I told u was going to with Nicholas?"

I headed to the kitchen to make some tea. "Yea. Your new boyfriend, who by the way is on the same team as us, was taking you there, and you didn't invite me, uh hu. Yea I remember. What about it?"

"Jet! Look, woman I'm sorry about that ok, but I knew you wouldn't wanna go anyway. But that's besides the point. Lucas and Davey were there. .and Lucas was after her." She said dramatically pointing a finger to the girl on the couch. "I Just KNOW it!"

My stomach started to turn and my brows furrowed in disappointment. Myra had been my best friend for years. I've known her since brownie days. And yet, she was more worried about this thing on MY couch? The tea jumped onto Myra's lap as I slammed it on the coffee table. 

Rage rose like a volcano inside my body and exploded its fiery balls of lava out my mouth. "Oh, SHE'S in serious trouble? And lemme guess, My. You want ME to help YOU? SAVE HER? This girl we know NOTHING about?"

Myra's face transformed into confusion. "Yea. What's so wrong about helping someone out. Lucas was after her."


We both turned to see the girl sit up in fear like if we woke her from a bad nightmare. 

"Please don't let Lucas near me!" She screamed.

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