Ch.20. War.

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The guys jumped from atop the bleachers and stood right between everyone. Liesel dangled over Davey's shoulder and from the corner of my eye, I saw Derick stand and clench his fists.

"What the fuck did you do to her, Lucas!" He roared.

"Nothing major. I can assure you. I didn't hurt her as bad as you did, though." Lucas chuckled as he bounced a baseball in his hands.

<"Stick to the plan. I'll circle around him making sure he's in position."> Myra said via telepathy.

She glanced towards Nicholas, guiding him with his eyes. While Blake took a few more steps back as he held me in his arms still.

Lucas glared straight at me and something flickered in his eyes. "Oh and by the way, you and I, aren't through."

He snaps his fingers, and before anyone had a chance to realize what was going on, Davey vanished. Blake grunted and shuffled behind me, and before I could turn around, my body was lifted into the air. I could hear Myra screech as Nicholas shuffled with his bow and arrow.

The sensation of air getting sucked out of me filled my insides as I started to fall. Davey then had me in thin air by my dress, and pushed me away from him. As my body became vulnerable, he kicked my stomach with all his might.

The seconds froze as his kick penetrated my body like a wave blast. In a flash, I was flying through the football field like an asteroid. The ground enclosed me as it became a crater from my fall. The air knocked out of me again like before, and blood splattered through my mouth.

My body was raised yet again, and this time, Lucas appeared before me gripping my neck. Team 8 rushed towards the football field as Derick tended to Liesel behind the bleachers.

"Make sure she's breathing!" Myra ordered.

"I'm on it!" Derick yelled back. "Save Jetta!"

Nicholas prepped his bow and send an ignited arrow towards Lucas. Davey gripped the arrow in a flash, just inches before it reached his master, and sent it back to Nicholas.

Blake managed to shove Nicholas out of the arrow's way, giving Myra the chance to swarm a spell around her. But Lucas managed to stop it with another snap from his fingers.

Myra stood confused as she glanced at her empty hands. Lucas, who had me from my neck still, started to laugh maniacally. He launched a fire lit baseball towards Myra, and shook me like a rag doll over his head.

"You guys think your little plan can work? The markers and the spell and the capturing me ordeal? I've never dealt with people so juvenile as you guys!"

"H-h-how did you know?" I managed to choke out as I gripped his arm.

He pulled me towards his face and grinned. His teeth started to form into vicious, sharp fangs and his tongue traced each sharpen corner. "Because Jetta, I can read minds. . and. . " His lips brushed against my ear as he slowly whispered, "I have the same power as you."

My eyes widened in fear as blood began to drip from his mouth onto my arm. He threw me into the ground again and started to misshapen and deform right in front of us.

Blake sped past me and landed a punch against Davey, causing him to lose focus and step aside from Lucas. Nicholas sent another arrow towards Lucas. But Lucas just smirked and wafted the arrow away like a fly! It disintegrated on the ground before our eyes and fear filled my whole being.

"What are you?" I asked shivering on the ground like a frightened mouse.

Lucas shoved Blake towards Nicholas with a wave of his hand, and sent the guys flying through the air. Their bodies slammed against the bleachers and all we heard was groans of pain and suffering.

"I'm the most fucking powerful experiment ever created! You guys, were the failed experiments!" Lucas yelled as he started to fight against Myra.

Myra rushed towards me and shot rings of poison towards Lucas. Her chanting became louder as she started her spells and soon, Derick was by her side as he formed a power of his own.

Myra stood in shock and Derick shoved Myra towards me, saving her from Lucas's punch.

"Liesel is fine. Stay by Jetta!" He ordered.

Myra nodded and turned to tend to my wounds. "Are you having trouble breathing?"

I shoved her aside as I watched Derick form some kind of energy around his fist. He aimed his fist towards Lucas and lunged forward. Suddenly, everything moved slowly, as if time itself wanted to stop. Derick's fist connected with Lucas's jaw. And in that instant, Lucas's body slammed against the field goal poles, bending them over him.

"Derick!" Liesel screamed as she ran towards the fight.

Lucas perked his head and faced it towards Liesel's direction. 

"Liesel, NO!" Derick screamed.

But it was too late. Lucas appeared out of nowhere had Liesel around his arms. He leaned forward as she pulled away from him, and bit a chunk off her shoulder.

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