Chapter 10. The Door Finally Opens. . .

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Derick's hands smoothed over my hair as he calmed me down. His heart beated loudly against my ear and I could feel his arms tighten around me in his embrace. 

"Want me to take you home, Liesel?" He asked softly.

"I can't leave Felicity here, Derick. Her and i came to this party together. It just wouldn't be right."

"I see. . Want me to go with you?"

I started nibbling my bottom lip. I didn't want him to think that I couldn't handle myself. I did wanted him to be with me but then I knew I wasn't going to stay here any longer. "No, it's ok. I'm just going to get Felicity and get out of here."

Derick stuffed his hands in his pockets and nodded slightly. "I understand, Liesel." With that, he leaned in and left a soft kiss on my forehead. "Be careful, ok? Call me if you need me. You have my number."

Numb and surprised, I was only able to nod my head. He smiled gently and turned to walk down the street. After he turned the corner and I lost sight of him, I ran towards the house to look for Felicity. My heart had so many mixed emotions tonight, and I didn't want to ruin it any further. 

For 30 minutes I couldn't find her in this stupid house. 

Nor Davey.

The majority of the people left, and the party started to mellow down. So it couldn't have been difficult to find her. I asked one of the girls, who I knew was in her 3rd period class and she said Felicity went upstairs with some guy.

Typical. And I can bet you all the money in the world that the "some guy" was Davey.

Taking off the heels, I headed upstairs and called out for Felicity. The hallway wasn't that long but the doors leading to the rooms were closed shut. Knowing how Felicity was, and jeez, I was disgusted in myself for even thinking of this, I pressed my ear to the doors in hopes of finding her by her moans. 

. . .Nothing. . .

No sound coming from the other side if the doors, nor movement. I was feeling kind of relieved but at the same time anxious, because by now, the thought that I kept pushing into the back of my mind was slowly creeping to the surface.

I should have went with Derick.

Drained, I leaned against the door and banged my head a few times, as if that would kill my headache. The moonlight suddenly began to shine through from under the last door and as soon as I headed towards it, I prayed that I didn't barge in on her and Davey. 

The black wooden door creaked as I gently pulled it open and gasped at the beautiful room I had entered. It was delicately organized and set up like if it was a room in a castle. The patio had two french-looking doors, that had white lace for curtains. But, it was an odd feeling.

The curtains were pulled back and the doors were slightly open. I ended up heading onto this balcony and traced the stone designs with my fingernails. I laughed at how silly I was being, since it did remind me of Beauty and the Beast. All I needed now was Derick as my beast and I would be his Belle.

"Get a hold of yourself, Liesel. He was. . just being nice. .yea. Being nice." I told myself. But I couldn't help but twirl around on the balcony and imagine him and I dancing to A tale as Old as Time up here. 

"Well. . .I'll tell you who else wasn't being nice."

My body froze and my breathing suddenly quickened. Cold shivers ran down my spine as panic started to turn into fright. I already recognized this feeling once before already. I didn't need to turn around to see who came in. .that voice. . that sinister voice. . only belonged to


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