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I made it to the meet spot before Ray did.

The street corner where he said to meet him at was in the other side of town where the crack addicts and prostitutes lived. I guess it made sense he wanted to meet somewhere he was closer.

A harsh knock on my window pulled me out of my thoughts.

" Get yo ass outta this car with my money, nigga." Maybe I was being boujie but the way he talked, the way he dressed and just the way he carried him self was so unruly. Jacob didn't grow up with people like this. I'm not really sure on how exactly they met. All I know is that once this transaction is done, he had better be out of our lives for good.

I opened the door to my truck and stepped out into the cold air. Giving him a distasteful glance, I walked to the trunk of the truck and raised it up. Taking the black bag full of cash out. I turned back to him and thrust the bag at his feet.

" There. There is all your money that you claim Jacob owed you. I don't want to see you around, trying to get in contact with Jacob again. Your done and if I ever see you again, I'll have you thrown in jail so fast, your head will spin." By the time I was finished, Ray was chuckling like I had just said a funny knock-knock joke.

" You should know by now that nothing you try will work. Just like you got friends in high places, I have friends in high places. Look man, I never forced Jacob to shoot up anything. He did that all on his own. I never forced him to have sex with me or anybody else." He looked down at his feet then back up at me. "I even tried to help him one time to get off the drugs man, whether you believe it or not. I refused to give him some and told anybody else selling that if he came to them not to sell to him."

"Do you want a fucking cookie? Obviously you have been supplying him recently, he hasn't gotten off the drugs. Don't try to justify what you did, its still not right."He probably caused more harm than good, taking Jacob off like that. Just abruptly taking him off like that, he probably went through hell with withdrawals.

" Maybe, I loved him too. Maybe he loved me as well."

I closed my eyes at this. He hurt so bad to know that he laid down and had sexual relations with other people. But to even think that he could have possibly loved someone else, just hurt me to my core.

" I was there for him when you weren't."

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