Isis Female: Ife Lerato

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Name: Ife Lerato (Ee-fuh Luh-rah-toe)

Deity: Isis

Age: Forty-seven

Gender: Female

Occupation: Wet-nurse to the royal family


I was a mother once, when I was young and had my days before me...

Ife is the type of woman who, when one looks at her, still shows slight hints that, in a past life, she was beautiful. Her eyes, for one, sparkle with life and energy, and, years ago, many a man who stared into them would fall madly in love with her. Her skin is without blemish and slightly darker than the colour of sand, but her coy smile is warmer than the sun that beats upon them. Though she is not tall, and though she always carries herself with the humblest and meekest of postures, there is something about Ife which always makes her look greater than she truly is.


Ife has been caring for children for children for more than two thirds of her life, and it shows. Not only is she soft and nurturing, she is also fiercely devoted and protective of anybody upon whom she extends her protection. Though she is docile by nature, and hardly one to speak her mind, she will fight without hesitating or holding back for anyone whom she loves. Though she is not knowledgeable or educated, Ife has a wisdom that comes with years of seeing life and children go by, and is full of lessons through which those in her care benefit greatly.

I was a mother once, and a mother I shall always be...


I was a mother once, but none of the children I raised are mine own...

Ife came into the service of the royal family at fifteen years of age, after the premature death of the man who would have been her husband. As a distant cousin of the family, she was given a chance to serve the pharaoh and hide her pregnancy and child, which was left in the wild to either be found or to die. She also occasionally speaks - or believes to, at the least, although she is quite sure she is right - with Isis herself inside her mind.

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