Task Two Entries: Of the Heavens

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Masika Aarahm

Masika did not know where she was running, only that her feet padded against the hard sand beneath her with as much determination as an army. The dark didn't scare her but the cool breeze made her hairs stand on end. Her panting breaths were the only sign of life outside of the city.

She turned her head up to the sky, Help me fix this!

Her deep brown hair fluttered around her as the wind suddenly changed. The sand swirled around her feet with as much grace as her mother had dancing. Each grain lifted into the sky spiralling around her and, in amazement, Masika found herself comparing it to a coiling snake. Part of her wanted to break free but something about this wind made the goose bumps on her caramel skin disappear – even the air had turned warmer. In the gentle breeze, the sand formed a wall around Masika, so much so that it was almost tangible. Then, out of the wall of suspended sand, emerged a woman.

Masika stumbled back in surprise with her heart fluttering in her chest. The woman held an air of authority but one of comfort and protection. Masika's mind remembered the carvings and paintings in one of the may temples – it could only be one person; one being. No one else could have skin that matched the night time sky itself. It was illuminated by glowing white-blue jewels but Masika could only compare it to the stars in the sky when she tilted her head.

Instinctively, Masika got down on her knees and bowed to the woman that she knew was the goddess of the sky. Ebony black her blew angelically around the woman's face while Masika's was messy and tangled. The goddess' eyes were dark navy, perhaps almost black, but for some reason they didn't scrutinize Masika.

This cannot be Her, no deity would ever come to me, Masika's mind rushed at a million miles an hour. When did she rise? If she even did? She knew the importance of respect to the Gods and Goddesses.

"Do not be silly, my child, I have come to you because you're are the one who can help," her voice was soft and caring but at the same time powerful enough to make Masika turn her head up in awe. Butterflies swam in her stomach as worked their way into her blood stream until she felt an odd prickling sensation all over her body; a feeling of extreme nervousness and astonishment that she had only ever felt before a dance in front of her mother, "Ra has gone, I have failed, so it is in you that I place my faith,"

"Me?" Masika didn't mean to whisper the word rather it escaped her mouth, she lowered her gaze in apology and the woman smiled showing bright white teeth beneath her star-lit skin.

"The determination and honesty is something I have been watching, child, and I wish that you will help me."

"Of course," Masika nodded, still on her knees. Determination set into her body as she felt it was a mission now. Instead of it being before the dance, Masika felt the confidence that she had when she was dancing. Nothing made her happier than to know the Goddess had come to her.

"I believe he is trapped in the Underworld, I will take you to the entrance but that is as far as I may go. I do wish that you accept, you have been so loyal in the past," Nut's voice lost some of its power as she faltered.

"Of course I will help," Masika rushed to her feet, "Anything you wish," she added bowing her head. She gazed in awe as Nut smiled. Masika wasn't sure she had experienced anything so wonderful in her life. It wasn't long ago when she had been studying the hieroglyphs inside the temples and praying for strength in each of the Gods and Goddesses so that they would be able to fulfil their duty. She knew of everything that they did and now was her chance to help and show her dedication to Nut.

Nut gave a small smile and Masika's heart skipped a beat, I made that smile, she could barely contain her own grin of happiness.

Suddenly the wind changed. Silently, Nut faded into the beige sand wall allowing the sand to slip over her body until she was hidden. Masika covered her eyes, her shawl threatening to follow the spiral high up into the sky, as the sand coiled further into the darkness of the night until it was nothing more than a lost shadow.

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