So this is a thing that's happening

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Um. I honestly don't know what to do right now.

As of this post, I have received five entries. Another three people used their automatic fourteens, but provided no entry. Another four got extensions.

That makes twelve tributes who are somehow accounted for. There were twenty-one of you signed up for these Games. Even the harshest bloodbaths don't eliminate nine tributes in one go, and certainly not when only twenty-one tributes began the Games. We weren't supposed to reach this number until Task Five, and this obviously causes issues down the road. 

As far as I can tell, our options are limited. I would like to get your opinions on which you would prefer.

Option One: We stop here. If you don't want to compete, this is the way you want to go. Any competitor who fails to make their opinion known to me will be assumed to be in favor of this option. I'd be happy to provide information about what the tasks would have been upon request, but the competition would be over and I'd be unlikely to create more Games in the future.

Option Two: We continue as best we can. I'd probably end up eliminating only one or two people per round. Rankings would become all but superfluous, and I might get rid of them altogether and just go on a task-by-task basis. If you are selecting this option, you are essentially saying that you would be willing to compete until eliminated. I will not be pleased with someone who selects this option and then drops out. Seriously. If you don't think you can continue, do the polite thing and end it gracefully.

Option Three: This is sort of a compromise between the two options. What I would do is release all the prompts at once. At that point, anyone interested in continuing would tell me, and then make an entry book on their profile. After a certain amount of time, I would then examine the entry books and pick the top three tributes from their overall compositions. I would not look at the entry books until the specified deadline had passed. There would be no kills, no rankings...basically, a winner-take-all mega entry that would be due in a month or two.

Please select the option that you think would best suit your purposes. If a competitor doesn't answer, then I will assume they have picked Option One. If insufficient competitors select Option Two, I will open Option Three to whoever is interested.

Non-competitors may vote if they want to voice an opinion, but unless they're just really looking for Three so they have a chance to win it big, they won't have a whole ton of sway in my decision.

Voting closes: Wednesday, November 2 at 10 PM EST. This will give the people with extensions time to finish what might be their final entry for these Games. Make it awesome, guys.

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