Finals: Voting

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Congratulations to our wonderful finalists! While I'm sure we'd all love to see our finalists get first place... that's not how we roll. Instead, you wonderful individuals will get to decide who ends up on top.

Here's how it works: In a system borrowed from the delightful RappyTheDinosaur (she also made the cover. Pretty awesome, right?) you will rank our finalists from first to fourth. First place tributes will receive three points. Second place will receive two points, and so on, with fourth getting nothing. Rankings will be determined by point total. HOWEVER, as an additional requirement, you must submit a reason for why you are voting the way you are. Fail to do so and your vote will not be counted.

A sample vote:

1. Zoe Washburne, basically the sanest person in the show and epic queen of badassery. How is it possible to not like this character?

2. Shepherd Book, because a well-written religious character? In a futuristic sci-fi universe? Written by an atheist? What is this dark sorcery and how can I get more of it?

3. Kaylee Frye, because she is a ray of sunshine in a crapsack universe and must be protected at all costs. Also, she solved a complex mechanical problem during sex just for kicks.

4. Jayne Cobb, just because he's hilarious and it's fun to hate him.

Votes must be submitted via PM this time! We wouldn't want to ruin the twist ending, now would we? You may vote for yourself- however, if you do you may not put yourself in first place.

Voting closes: Sunday, January 8 at 11 PM EST

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