Task Three Entries: Of the Heavens

47 12 3

Masika Aarahm

Masika couldn't feel anything. She tapped her foot against the deck while some of the others were already on the shore below. Dark crimson sand and small black stones were scattered with pieces of rotted wood from the boat – the group were stranded and prevented from going any further into the Underworld.

Masika wasn't particularly knowledgeable about the Underworld but she knew had an odd feeling about the ship running ashore. Something didn't sit right. The hairs on her arms were quivering on their ends and a slight breeze made her crinkle her nose. The smell was a mixture of sulphur and soggy earth as it gently blew her shawl as if it were daring her to jump from its protective barrier.

I should be helping them, Masika glanced down at the people arguing below. She felt guilty for sitting on the ship but she wasn't the only person not helping. A group of three wandered on the shadowy beach keeping well out of reach of the grey water below. The absence of her singing had allowed the shadows of the river to creep aboard the ship and onto the beach and now it seemed that not even the Gods themselves could save them. Masika could feel no light, no warmth and no hope – yet her bare feet patted rhythmically on the deck to make the only soothing noise that could drown out any arguments below.

Masika could drown out the sound all that she liked but it did not shake the feeling from her mind that something was watching her. The sensation clung to her back and if she sat still for long enough she could feel its breath behind her but when she turned around nothing was there – yet there was something at the same time.

I wish Sarambe was here, her eyes searched the boat until she finally decided she would get off. If her sister were here they could stay aboard together – although Masika felt special that Nut had chosen her over Sarambe she still longed for a friend.

She rushed off the boat feeling that was exactly what the thing wanted – but she needed company and she needed to help. As soon as her feet hit the coarse cerise sand and the jagged grey gravel, her heart began to thud against her sternum. She could hear it thumping against her chest as though it wanted to run away from the danger.

Then, she saw it.

It appeared as though it were human but Masika knew deep down it was far from being like her. The person – or thing – stumbled closer and Masika could finally make it out. Leathery, crinkled skin stained with charcoal and was only covered by a short kilt that was matted and covered with something that resembled handprints. The person lacked any hair but a few grey strands and boasted a gummy mouth that made Masika shiver in disgust.

The silence was deafening to her.

"Who are you?" Masika called as the man stumbled closer before finally coming to a standstill only a few meters from the ship. Eighteen people stood near the boat and shadowy waters while the old man stood alone.

"Someone who can fix your ship," he replied gruffly. Masika noticed that his eyes never looked at them. His gaze was directed at the ship itself rather than the people but whenever his view hovered on the people, his eyes would change. Pitch black holes that looked as though they never ended – then they would flicker back to a seemingly mundane brown. She wasn't sure if anyone else noticed his eyes but she wasn't going to let anyone else be fooled.

"What's wrong with your eyes, sir?" she wondered aloud, she heard whispers behind her.

"Nothing gets past the youngest," the man chuckled and then he suddenly faded away from her view, "You see," Masika jumped as she heard his voice, it came from all around them, "I name a price to fix your ship," now it was from somewhere different, "and you can take it and I will help," now it was from above them, "or you can leave it." Masika thought she saw a figure float above her but it disappeared before she could make the shape out, "There will be no further questions."

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