Sekhmet Female: Kahula Urbi

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Name: Kahula Urbi

Deity: Skehmet

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Bounces around between odd jobs. Whatever she can to earn money.

Appearance: With shimmering, chocolate brown eyes, dusted with flecks of gold, and perfectly bronzed skin, someone from afar could mistaken Kahula as the Queen of Sheba, but sadly, up close, that's not the case. Kahula's perfectly darkened skin is almost always called in dirt and grime from a hard days work and her nails always chipped and bleeding. Her lips are large and are slightly lighter than her skin tone. She wears thin braids in her hair, and loves to wear her favorite headdress atop her head, a beautiful collection of yellow, blue, and red patterns.

Personality: Kahula is just like any other teenager. At times, she can be rude and unhelpful, but she does the things she needs to do when she needs to do them. She's a hard worker and is always determined to reach her goal, weather that be going the extra mile on her walk to home or finding extra water and food for her family. At times, because she has such a strong will, she can come across as fierce and sometimes she can be unapproachable. She's extremely tolerant of others and loves to serve for the greater good.


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