Nut Female: Masika Aarahm

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Name: Masika Aarahm

Deity: Nut

Age: Ten

Gender: F

Occupation: N/A

Appearance: Masika loves to wear her mother's gold and burgundy shawl, with small tassels and delicate embroidery of blossoming flowers – often causing many people to mistake her for her old sister, Sarambe. While Masika admires her sister, she envies her height as Masika is small and thin even for her age. Like Sarambe, Masika's skin is a dark shade of bronze that makes her eyes cocoa-coloured eyes stand out from her face like small globes. Masika is more often than not seen wearing a smile on her face, unlike her sister, with her dark brown hair occasionally curling to frame her narrow face. Her mother always does her hair in an elaborate twist however strands of stray curls often sneak their way out to capture Masika's wildness. Golden circles dangle from her ears, as most girls have, and a matching golden necklace with a small cat always hides under her dress.

Personality: Masika's youth makes her naturally naïve and innocent however she chooses to have a kind heart that causes her to differ from her elder sister. Masika is like a ray of positivity even in the darkest of times and she uses her skills in dancing to cheer up anyone or even stories from her own imagination. Masika believes in the good in everyone, no matter their actions, and values honesty to be of uttermost importance in her life. She rarely lies, or if she does it isn't long before the guilt eats her up, and is still unsure about why people do lie. Her honesty can make her appear as brave – along with her determination to help people or achieve her goals – and her curiosity leads her to become intuitive. She doesn't like to be treated like a child but her actions and emotions do get the better of her sometimes. Masika is honest and kind-hearted which makes her a very amiable girl.

Other: 1. Masika lives with her mother, father and her elder sister, Sarambe. The girls could pass for twins if Sarambe, aged 15, wasn't so tall and curvier than her sibling. Her mother works as a dancer for festivals and special occasions while her father often travels for work as he is a merchant. The family are quite well off, however one bad week for her father often reflects in the household with little food although most the time the family are in the middle class. Masika, like her mother, also loves dancing and hopes to dance for the Pharaoh when she grows up.

2. Until Dawn 

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