Task Four: The Lake of Fire

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"Demons and deadly mazes? I feel like I should be making popcorn or something. How many people croaked this time, professor?"

The professor gave her an arch look, and Fatima suppressed a snicker. "Miss Charobim, we are translating a millennia old sacred text about a sun quest. Is the only thing you care about the fatality rate?"

"No, you're translating a millennia old sacred text about a sun quest. I'm kibitzing and providing much-needed sarcasm. And coffee. I'm kind of getting into it, though. These characters are pretty engaging for dense, ancient, roughly translated literature."

The professor made a sound that was equal parts tsk and humph. Fatima found it rather impressive, and wondered how precisely she might go about duplicating it. "Four. Rather unusual, as only three names were required by the demon. Let's see... the text names Kato Efe, Nia Levas, Chenzira Ebonique, and Akila Elfar. The others managed to repair the boat and continue down the river."

Fatima pulled out the next sheet. "Here's the next section. Looks like it could come straight out of the Book of the Dead. Standard issue fall into the Lake of Fire- then later rising purified from the cleansing flames. It's even got a spell list to guard the innocent from the heat."

He took a long look at the image. His brow wrinkled for a moment.

"Oh my. This is rather troublesome."

"What are you talking about?"

"There were two small complications. First: the Lake is designed to cleanse Ra himself, as well as souls sailing to Osiris's kingdom. Souls that can typically only survive the Lake while protected up to the hilt by as much sacred enchantment as their families could afford. You will notice that our heroes are neither, and they rather need their bodies."

Fatima frowned. "The spells should still work ,right? Taking a dip in scourging fires won't be fun, but surely they'll survive the experience."

"Quite right. You will note, however, that such spells were typically cast by the priests of Ra and Thoth. The champion of Thoth would likely have had sufficient sorcerous power to safeguard them from harm."

"The one that just died? That champion?"


The two examined the image in silence for a long minute. 

"That," Fatima said eventually. "Might be a problem."



-You encounter the Lake of Fire, a section of the river composed entirely of, well, fire. To cross it, the boat must submerge itself in the river and then resurface.

-Normally, one requires significant magical protection to do this unharmed. Guess what you don't have? Significant magical protection.

-The fires of the river are meant to destroy impurity, both spiritual and physical. If you are completely pure in body and soul, it'll feel something like a hot shower. If sin weighs heavily on your soul, however... let's just say the experience won't be a pleasant one, and could well prove fatal.

Deaths: Two ballot kills. Three tributes will be going up for votes. One will be eliminated.

Due Date: Saturday, November 19 at 10 PM EST

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