Quarterfinals: Paradise and Perdition

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"Weird. I wonder why this section's so short."

"I'm not quite certain, my dear." Professor Wyndham squinted at the photo. "The prose grows significantly more denser and more figurative at this point. I could spend a month or more untangling precisely what takes place in this section. I suspect it would require time than the night possesses to even get a basic idea of what takes place."

"Maybe we should skip it and continue to the next part," Fatima suggested. "It shouldn't be particularly difficult to piece together the important plot points from context. I want to see where this is going. We lost Hotep, Eadric, and Angelus to Ammit. At this rate we're running short on protagonists."

The professor seemed somewhat uneasy, but eventually he nodded. "Your suggestion has some merit, my dear. Very well. We'll leave deciphering the imagery for later."

Fatima nodded with satisfaction. "All right, then. How interesting could poetry be, anyways?"



-Depending on your choice last task, you must complete one of the following options:

-IF YOU CHOSE THE DEMON LANDS: write them. Your tribute will be separated from all human contact, even those who chose the Demon Lands as well. Whatever misadventures occur there are entirely for you to decide.

-IF YOU CHOSE THE HALL: you must enter and cross the Field of Reeds. While you are there, you must meet a spirit of the deceased, particularly someone you knew in life. While they can perceive you, they will not recognize you unless you specifically identify yourself.

-A side note: existence in the Field of Reeds is nothing short of perfection. The only thing not perfect will be, well, you. This may or may not be cause for alarm or distress.

-In lieu of a song task, this round we are having a poetry task! In addition to the requirements specified above, you must connect your entry to a poem of your choice. You may select whatever poem you wish- however, be aware that poems are strictly one to a tribute, and it's first come first serve.

The Poems:

Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley- Reserved for Masika Aarahm

The Idler by Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson- Reserved for Nour Tahir

Invictus by William Earnest Henley- Reserved for Ramia Gamal

Echo by Christina Rossetti- Reserved for Abbas Naeem

Alone by Edgar Allan Poe- Reserved for Khalid Masud

Ae Fond Kiss by Robert Burns

Sonnet 146 by William Shakespeare- Reserved for Ife Lerato

La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John Keats

Kills: None! This task (and all further ones) are byes-only. Three byes will be awarded this task, with the remainder of the tributes going up for votes. One tribute will be eliminated.

Due Date: Sunday, December 18 at 10 PM EST (yes, it's long. I have finals. Take the time and make it awesome!)

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