Osiris Female: Anka Tahira

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Name: Anka Tahirah

Deity: Osiris

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Occupation: Priestess of Osiris

Appearance: A thick mass of dark brown hair frames Anka's sharp, chiseled face, causing her icy blue eyes to stand out even more against her smooth, tanned skin. Being a priestess and also coming from a wealthy family prior to becoming one, Anka has never really been required to do hard, manual labor, and maintains a youthful appearance, and many people mistake her for a few years younger than she actually is. No one can deny she is beautiful, although she is "married to her work and the gods", and not interested in finding love.

Personality: Anka is dedicated. That's the first word that many would describe her with. Once set before a task, she would often stop at nothing than to get it complete as soon as possible. She hates the sense of failure, and is prone to panic attacks and outbursts if overwhelmed with too much stress. She is also incredibly loyal and faithful – to her gods, to her family, to her friends – and takes her job extremely seriously. She strives to do as much good as possible during her time on Earth, partially out of her own kindness and partially because she is afraid of being judged and sent to Hell if she didn't.


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