Thoth Female: Akila Elfar

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Name: Akila Elfar

Deity: Thoth

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Occupation: Priestess

Appearance: Everything about Akila demands respect, from the way she walks to the way she talks. Her eyes, the colour of burnt umber, can make even the Pharaoh feel as if she is searching his soul. Her long, dark brown, curly hair is something of a novelty among the populace of straight, black hair. People come from far and wide just to gawk at the strange woman. Another thing people note is that Akila's face is graced with constant smile, which only grows bigger with every compliment.

Personality: All of the attention that she gets from the visitors that come to stare at her does not faze Akila. Instead she revels in it, soaks it up and demands more. This social butterfly flourishes when surrounded by people and each word of praise only makes her more big-headed and arrogant. Akila loves to rub her good fortune into other peoples faces and takes every opportunity she can to brag about her life. She has never known hardship and growing up in a noble house has only made her ignorant of the suffering of the poor. Akila, however, is not stupid. She is actually quite good at understanding the concepts within mathematics. She also has a keen interest in astronomy and the Heavens.

Other: Her only regret is not being able to read. She will stay up Until Dawn trying to teach herself but to no avail. 

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