Task Two Entries: Of the Earth

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Ife Lerato


And so Ra asked if he could wake up

But the mean snake said

Not today Satan.


Angelus Karthai

The tomb of Aneski... You must reach the tomb of Aneski, through there you will find the ship that lays in the centre of the chamber. You will sail on the River of Night to the Underworld on it.

Do not fail me.

There was barely enough light to see in the tomb, a few drops of stardust falling through each crack and cranny of the cave. Not enough to reveal it's secrets, but somehow enough the cast shadows everywhere, as if Angelus were living in a kaleidoscope of shadows and darkness. The only noise that could be heard were the waves of a current. This was the only guidance Angelus had to point him towards where he was meant to be headed.

Slowly, he felt his way around the cave, stumbling across the teeth like stalagmites, vicious and stained almost blood-coloured. With a howl, a sudden wind blew through the tomb, sweeping through it in gales upon gales, almost knocking Angelus off of his feet. He could only crouch behind a stalagmite for a little bit of protection. As abruptly as they came, the winds stopped, and Angelus cautiously continued making his way through the tunnel.

The cave seemed to be endless, there was nothing for Angelus to follow, no markings, no nothing. The pathways just seemed utterly spontaneous and none led towards the sound of the river. His mind told him not to venture onwards until he had a plan, the tendrils of darkness grappling him from all sides deterring his confidence with each step he took. Yet, his curiosity and will to adventure got the best of him. Braving the almost complete darkness, the cave sketched with charcoal, he continued onwards. The small cracks that shone with starlight were his beacons of hope, albeit it's meek light not doing much against the blanket of gloom that had settled upon the cave, it still reminded Angelus that there was still light, there was still a chance.

Yet, as even the small gaps of hope grew rare, Angelus often could not be sure that he had his eyes open. The cave itself seemed to be simmering with hostility, unwelcoming to all. Very quickly, Angelus began to notice another thing, the temperature. It felt as though the temperature was dropping with each passing second, soon chilling Angelus to the bone. While he had grown accustomed to the nightly chills of the desert, this was a completely different story. No one could have prepared for the tundra like coldness that was this tomb. It felt unnatural, nothing could be this naturally cold in Egypt, there was no way. What could possibly be causing it though?

Still, Angelus continued onwards, plundering through stone chamber after stone chamber, listening for the current at each split. Not without a few scratches from falling though, thankfully nothing too painful happened, but Angelus could feel a small trickle of blood running down his leg.

Amidst all of this, Angelus just wanted to give up. There was nothing he could do. Sitting onto the uneven stone ground, Angelus heard a click, as if a key slotting into a lock just perfectly. Slowly, the cave began to light up with crystals of all kinds. Some that Angelus could identify were Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst. Each had this glowing quality about it, so without blinding him, the crystals offered just enough light to see. Just staring at the vibrant explosion of colours, so crystalline and sparkling, Angelus couldn't help but start dreaming.

If he could have all of these crystals, he would be rich! He would never have to work another day, who could resist an offer like that? The twinkling and glimmering jewels seemed to be calling out to him, tempting him to touch and feel them on his palm. He was about to submerge himself into the sea of jewels and riches, dreaming of all that he could finally have for himself. With all of this sold he could be living in palaces, as if he were royalty.

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