Bast Neutral: Abbas Naeem

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Name: Abbas Naeem

Deity: Bast

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Occupation: Construction Worker

Appearance: Endless hours pounded by the unforgiving Egyptian sun have left Abbas bronze, constant work aiding in the development of defined muscles and calloused hands. A scraggly beard hands from his chin- it could be nicer, he knows, but he really doesn't have anyone to impress. Bags hang visibly from his underneath dark, constantly squinting eyes as his sight begins to fail him. Wrinkles crawl across his forehead; a smile hardly graces his constantly bitten lips. Thankfully, his hair and beard haven't quite reached the graying stage yet- when that happens, he'll have to admit he's aging.

Personality: He is bristly on the outside- poor salary, constant construction, and a lack of companionship(excluding a stray cat that visits him for supper each evening) have worn him thin and tired. Jealousy often rages inside him when he sees those who are better off, but he has learned to contain himself. Remarkably, morals still dominate his conscience, and he does what he can to protect those he deems in need of help. Abbas longs to fulfill the greater good; he dreams of a world where everyone is equal. He has felt the sting of misfortune, and does what is possible in many circumstances to prevent such downfalls from plaguing those he thinks do not deserve such misery. He is judgemental- oftentimes the cover of a book says quite a lot about the author- but will forgive shortcomings if necessary. Abbas has had little education over the course of his life, and has therefore had a difficult time with employment and providing food, water, and shelter. In fact, it was for these very reasons he was unable to support the family he once had, leading him to a solitary life where construction will get him through each day. He has never forgotten how good it felt to take care of others, though, and tries to resurrect that feeling constantly.


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