Nephthys Neutral: Khalid Masud

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Name: Khalid Masud

Deity: Nephthys

Age: 23

Gender: genderfluid

Occupation: Thief

Appearance: Khalid has a naturally rugged jaw and a fair share of muscles, not that that always works in their favor. Their favorite feature is the dusting of dark skinned freckles across their cheeks and forehead, which help make them look more youthful. While their eyelashes are shorter than Khalid would like, they think they're worth it for their dark coffee color of their eyes. Thick black hair sticks up like reeds from the riverbed, cut short to keep it under control. Depending on if they want to look more feminine, they'll comb their hair down for the day to get it to look like a pixie cut. On Khalid's plump bottom lip rests a silver ring, their ears often adorning studs to match. A blue tattoo rests on their chest, but they refuse to fully show it to anyone due to the foolishness of their 18 year old self getting it in the first place.

Personality: Not one to be overly outgoing, Khalid keeps to themselves when they can. They try not to be rude to anyone else, always being polite and smiling when they have to go to the market or are forced to hang out with their older brother or their friends. Most of the time however, Khalid finds it exhausting. Being aloof is much more their style, preferring to walk around the town at night than during the day. It makes sense that their job is one where they don't have to interact with people, their personality helping keep them from feeling bad about what they're doing.


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