Nephthys Female: Galia Musa

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Name: Galia Musa

Deity: Nephthys

Age: Twenty-One

Gender: Female

Occupation: Tailor

Appearance: No matter how dark the sky, Galia's face always gleams with softness. Under cover of the dawn, the golden rays seemingly merge with her tawny coloured skin turning its chocolatey shade to liquid gold. Her eyes, however, refuse to blend in. With swirling pools of softening browns and flecks of rippling hazel break from the thin slits known as her eyes. Through the makeup that gently coats her skin, her eyes still hold their defiant glow. Her eyebrows only add to the mystery of her natural hair colour, with the mismatching shades of black unsettling the soft balance to her face. Although lightened by the natural light, Galia's wavy locks burst with a shimmering grey. In hindsight, her slender body is a blessing and a curse. While her clothes cling to her body, its less than stretchy fabric leaves nothing to the imagination.

Personality: Galia is the definition of a timid beast. Her genuine nature tries to guide her through life, with her rebellious flairs bursting out at the most inappropriate times. She can be calm under pressure, hot-headed in the face of someone she hates yet through it all she tries at best to keep a professionalism, especially in her workplace. Her friends bring out the more playful side in her when her family much are less joyful. Her strenuous past has toughened Galia's skin and at family gatherings, Galia's strained patience is tested. Surprisingly enough, Galia can have a softer side. Through the waves of bluntness and lack of empathy, Galia can find the bright side in any situation with her protective and motherly nature. As well as a constant presence of cautiousness. Although, her general bluntness and lack of understanding can often drown out her good qualities. Even though her physical appearance is perfect, Galia never seems to be secure in herself or her beauty.

Author Games: The River of NightWhere stories live. Discover now