Sekhmet/Hathor Neutral: Hotep Bonami

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Name: Hotep Bonami

Deity: Hathor

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Occupation: Fisherman

Appearance: Having a dark complexion, a small beard, bushy eyebrows that frame dark brown eyes that are almost a shade of black, Hotep may or may not stand out of a crowd, depending on the person staring at him. Although, if one were to compare him to other fishermen, he wouldn't stand out much in terms of physique at least. Following in suit to many other fisherman, Hotep is well built with good muscular strength from having spent a significant amount of time spearing fish, and carrying boats out to rivers. Additionally, he's quite tall, and to strangers, may be quite intimidating and unapproachable due to his height and physique.

Personality: At face value, Hotep appears to be somewhat intimidating and maybe even like someone who feeds off of violence. Only, little do others know that Hotep is actually the polar opposite. Hotep is nothing less than a generous, down to earth man, who would give someone the clothes off his back if he felt someone needed them more. He's hardworking, and believes that even evil things can be restored to its good nature, with a little love and generosity. He believes strongly in the goodness of others, and always tries to see the best in a person no matter the situation. However, his beliefs come at a cost, as although he believes these things, his experiences have often contradicted these beliefs, and numerous times Hotep has overextended his help to immoral people. Not only this, but Hotep is not as educated as many others, and at times can lack what others may call "common sense." Due to this, many would consider Hotep to be a weak person.


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