Shu Female: Nubia Abasi

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Name:Nubia Abasi

Deity:Shu; God of the winds



Occupation:Traveller, Ex slave

Appearance:pitch black dirt smudges her chocolaty brown cheeks. Behind her grubby face there is considerable beauty, long wavy back-brown hair, light brown almond shaped eyes that turn hazel in the sun. Nubia stands the same height as a camel. her hands as rugged after hard work in the sun, her nails are blunt but still sharp. Blood still tinges the tips with blood from the night she escaped.

Personality:Nubia is very skittish around anyone, she is jumpy and cautious. She is easily scared and always one her feet. But this makes Nubia fast and keen-eyed, so it doesn't take long until she notices any danger, When Nubia feels safe (Which isn't very often) she is humourous, friendly and kind. But very forgetful beacuse more than one thing is on her mind.


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