Shu Male: Nour Tahir

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Name: Nour Tahir

Deity: Shu

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Occupation: Retainer

Appearance: Nour is a weathered man - his skin is Nut-brown, his milky-green eyes hard under bushy brows, his lined face tired-looking, weary from years of service that aren't over yet. Although his frame already shows the wear and tear of his age, he's still sturdy and strong from years of expeditions, though he'll never be as capable as he once was. His simple clothing and wary glances betray his lonely life - it's not often that anyone can get a smile out of the old man, so used he is to not hearing anyone's voice but his own. Still, when he does laugh, it seems to crack straight into the earth's core, shining warmth onto whomever he bestows with a smile. His glares, of course, are just as strong, scatching in their intensity, and those he gives out much more often. 

Personality: Nour is quiet, dutiful, agreeable, firm, the perfect servant. He's willing to do anything for his masters, whether it be fetch linens and fruit and wine or spends hours under the hot desert sun to investigate the furthest reaches of the region. As retainer to the council of the royal family, he is known about the nobles as the jack of all trades, the purest of servants, willing to lay down his life for the tasks he is set. Still, he holds some respect as his age gives him wisdom, and his knowledge of the land and the people are not ignored when he does speak up - respectfully, of course. As far as servants go, he holds a high position among them as an elder and as a respected voice in the hierarchy of employees.


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