Task Six: Entries

54 11 3

Masika Aarahm

Masika couldn't feel the blackened, crimson gravel biting into her feet. She felt lighter than ever – lighter than when she danced and lighter than when she was happy.

She felt powerful. More importantly, Masika was fuelled by some sort of warmth inside her veins that made her believe that she was unstoppable. Her determination and her fierceness were no match for the demons that lurked or the temptations that attempted to lure her away.

However, as her mundane breaths became rapid her pace slowed to a slight walk. The air clung to her skin in an uncomfortable layer but she kept pushing forward – knowing that someone would have to make it to the end and save Ra. Nut had put faith in her and Masika had faith in herself. Yet, she was reminded of how small she was.

It is rather lonely, Masika thought to herself as she gazed at the endless flat of ground, Is this what the Gods feel?

She tried to imagine – just for a singular moment – being a God. She could feel the breeze high up in the sky as she sat on calm white clouds whose wisps of white curled and uncurled around her body. She could see the humans running on the coarse yellow ground as they collected heavy buckets of water and hauled carts of sandstone and mud from the banks. But she forced herself to stay in the clouds. There wasn't a whisper of life where she sat; just clear azure encompassing her vision and the clouds gently waving in the breeze. Of course, it was beautiful. Masika had never experienced something as delicate as the clouds. But she longed for someone to be with her – company.

Is this why you wish for us to worship you? Masika wandered as she stared down.

Masika was suddenly thrust back into the Underworld. Without realising, her feet had led her to another building. Although, it wasn't a building rather it was an arrangement of grey stones that appeared as though it was a tunnel or hall. As she looked closer, distinct patterns emerged from the grey. Chiselled white marks stained the stone like an animal had brought a thousand claws to scrape across the wall. Cautiously, Masika traced one. The powder of the stone stained her finger black but as she felt each grain in the stone she could hear the awful scraping sound that would have happened. She could imagine an iron nail scraping across another metal or even fingernails across a metal. Involuntarily, Masika hunched her shoulders in displeasure as she shook the sounds from her mind.

Suddenly, a noise from up ahead echoed down the corridor. Her heart was thudding in her chest making her bones vibrate but, ignoring the fear, she went forward. She recalled the stories of the Underworld. Although the details weren't exact, she remembered the Hall of Two Truths that the dead's souls must pass through.

Usually, Masika might have said a quick prayer to Nut – to protect her or save her – but power still burned inside of her. She could barely feel the presence of Nut behind her hiding away her pain.

"You are so small that you barely make a sound, child," a booming voice echoed as she came closer. Masika felt the darkness disappear and it became slightly brighter as she emerged into a small room with only three objects – a set of scales with a feather on one end, a square of stone and a throne of stone in which Anubis himself lazed upon, "Do you present any gifts?"

"No, sir." Masika felt obliged to bow under his harsh stare and directed her eyes to the ground. One glimpse was enough for her to memorize the hound's head – sharp teeth with saliva dripping from its canines. Shadowy eyes that somehow glowed yellow at the same time.

Masika tried to remember something else about the Hall but her mind was faltering, How would he take my heart out? Won't I die?

"Come," Anubis interrupted her thoughts, "Sit on the rock facing the entrance. Don't mind Ammit, she won't devour you...yet."

Author Games: The River of NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora