Set Male: Khamet Aswad

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Name: Khamet Aswad

Deity: Set

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Occupation: Desert herder/skirmisher

Appearance: Kha is tall and broad. His skin is deeply dark, as are his eyes; both features seem to swallow sunlight. He keeps his hair as short as possible, as he finds longer hair and beards a stifling, tangled nuisance, and he wears only loose, sandy-tan pants and weathered sandals. His leg muscles are lean and toned to favor endurance, but Kha takes more pride in the strength of his massive shoulders and upper arms. No one in the tribe has seen him smile.

Personality: Kha is gravely serious and focuses actions and words on tasks to be completed. His mere presence makes any companions' jokes significantly less funny. Though the commanding force of his personality is striking, in truth, Kha spends most of his time alone. He believes he knows every member of the tribe comprehensively, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, yet fails to grasp the nuances of personality that endear his companions to one another.

Other: Kha has a broad respect for the gods as a whole. If asked, he might single out Horus as the god who resonates with him most, due to Horus's courage, prowess in battle, and dogged perseverance. However, only a careful observer would notice the quiet storm that roils behind his eyes and the life that fills him within moments of chaos. 

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