Chapter 6: Leaving for New York (June 2014)

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Monday morning was bittersweet because they knew they would be parting ways in a few hours.

They had breakfast and Ty took TJ to the airport. On the way they agreed that they would keep their relationship on the DL for now.

A paparazzo spotted them holding hands and he was like " Ty when are you two gonna be a couple for real? Stop playing man"

Ty: You know TJ  is family. She is like my cousin. There is nothing happening.

For the next 2 weeks they faced timed each other first thing in the morning and in the evening before going to sleep. They were both very busy during the day. TJ with shooting her movie and Ty was producing a new artist that he signed to his record label.

TY posted the following on Twitter and IG because he was missing TJ so much.

"Nothing else matters I love this woman called TJ. Even if I don't see you every day. I love YOU! My heart is yours forever"

TJ called Ty to tell him she loved him over the phone. She did not want to reply on Twitter.

The fans went crazy. Some going as far as speculating that Ty and TJ have been secretly married since the baby boy days.

Ty and TJ found all this so funny. If only the fans knew hmmm. When they missed each other, they would flirt on IG using Baby Boy lines to throw the fans off.

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