Chapter 27: All I could do was cry

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Seeing TJ the other night, has really awakened my feelings for her, not that they were ever dead or asleep.

She has been on my mind since I woke up this morning. Seeing some of her stuff in my bedroom and bathroom does not help matters. I don't have the heart to pack them away, I don't know if I will ever pack them away. I have to get my woman back.

Before we broke up when we were both in LA we spent every night here together.

Now every night I struggle fall sleep without my heart. I can keep busy during the day with work or just hanging out with friends or family. But when do I go to bed, whether here in LA or in Atlanta it is just not the same. There are nights I mix alcohol and cold medication so that they can knock me out. I lost the woman I love because of one night of drunken stupidity.

I don't even drink much I just do not know what possessed me that night. My baby is probably staying at some hotel because she is renting out her house.

It was better when I was in Atlanta and she was in Chicago, I tried my best to keep busy. When I was in Atlanta I spent all my time in the studio working with some of the artists signed under my record label. The only time I was in a club was because of work. I'm 35 for crying out loud, a grown man, and the club Scene is not for me anymore.

I have done it all in my twenties, partied hard, slept around. I am not proud of the sleeping around part though.

Now I am ready to settle down with one woman only if she would give me another chance.

TJ is stubborn and I know convincing her to take me back is gonna be hard. There are days I want to call her but things are just not the same, my fear is what if she doesn't pick up the phone.

Now that we are both in LA we are bound to run into each other since we have mutual friends and run in the same circles. Even though we were just friends for a long time, some of her friends became my friends and some of my friends became her friends.

The question is how do I get her back.


Ever since I woke up this morning Ty has been on my mind. It is probably because I saw him the other night.

Ever since I found out I am pregnant, I have had such peace. I know I will have to tell Ty I am pregnant with his child but I just don't know when I am going to do.

It is a good thing my mom and auntie are coming to LA later today .I can wait to have them around. I will be in LA for a while since we are done shooting Empire season 2, then I have to go Atlanta because of the movie I will be shooting there.

Ty will probably be in Atlanta around the same time but work should keep me busy.

The following morning:

TJ's mom and aunt were woken by loud screaming coming from TJ's room and they went running to check on her. They found her sitting on the toilet bleeding and they helped her get cleaned up and took her to the hospital.

When she got there she was examined, the Dr gave her the bad news that she had lost her baby at 6 weeks.

She was so hysterical she had to be sedated. When she woke up a few hours later it all came back to her and she started crying loudly and her mom and auntie tried their best to comfort her. She just could not understands, why now when she had been so happy at the news that she was about to become a mother.

She hadn't even told Ty about the pregnancy, she kept postponing telling him. She just hoped that he wouldn't hate her for keeping the pregnancy from him.

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