Chapter 22: Love oh love

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The following weeks were very busy for Ty and TJ but they made sure to FaceTime daily to keep the fire of their love burning.

TJ went with Terrence to the UK, for two weeks to promote empire. Empire started airing first week of May 2015.

On the day that Empire aired for the first time Ty sent fifteen dozen roses to congratulate her and he also gave her the biggest shout on twitter and Instagram and told her how proud he was of her.

Terrence and TJ promoted Empire all over the country.

TJ assured him that she would be back in LA before the shooting of season 2 Empire started.

Lee Daniels even asked Ty to be part of season 2 but he was too busy.

TJ went to LA to be with Ty for two weeks and they spent all their time together. They had a blast. They invited their mothers to spend time with them, the last weekend TJ was in LA. On the last Sunday they took their moms' to the airport. The following Day TJ left for Chicago to commence shooting for Empire season 2.

One night Ty had a party in his backyard Chris, Luda, Vin, Snoop, Ray J, and Future were all there. Booze was flowing all night and Ty was so turnt considering that he does not drink much.

The following morning while Ty was still asleep one of the models who came to the party was sleeping next to him. They were both butt naked. The gal woke first and started taking pictures of herself in bed with a sleeping Ty.

The gal put the pictures on twitter and Instagram.

Some malicious trolls on the net tagged TJ on the pictures. TJ was on set shooting Empire and was oblivious to everything that was happening.

The rest of the cast invited her for drinks after shooting but she was tired and not feeling well, so she went home.

Jussie was planning to tell her about Ty and twitter but got cold feet when TJ said she was feeling under the weather and wanted to go sleep.

TJ got home, showered and took some pain medication. She had an excruciating pain on her lower back that seemed to get worse when she walked.

She got her phone from her purse and realized that her phone had been off the whole day.

She decided to open twitter first and her heart sank because of what she saw. She was about to call Ty but when she saw that she had 10 missed calls from him and Mary J , she decided to turn her phone off and finish a bottle of wine on her own before falling asleep.

She woke up with a hangover the following day. She got into the shower and had bacon and eggs with toast. She threw up after breakfast. She reckoned it must be all the alcohol she had the night before

When she got up to go dress for work the back pain came back even worse than the day before. She figured it was the new pill she was on. She had decided to go on the pill because she and Ty had tested for HIV and STDs and stopped using condoms.

Anyway her career was popping and she did not want to have kids.

She phoned in sick and then charged her phone. She took pain meds again and went to sleep. When she woke up she was starving so she made herself a snack.

She checked her phone and she had more missed calls from Gabby, her mom, Mary j and Ty of course.

She called her mom and reassured her that she was fine.

She then called Mary J and she managed to make TJ laugh.

A few minutes later a call came in from Ty and she ignored.

Meanwhile in L.A Ty was frantic because he could not get hold of TJ. He wanted to explain and apologize but TJ had been ignoring his calls since the night before.

He sent her a text, apologizing and declaring his undying love for her and she ignored that as well.

He sat down on the piano and started playing and singing 'hello ' by Adele.

He had tears in his eyes.

"Hello from the other side

I must have called a thousand times

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done But when I call you never seem to be home Hello from the outside At least I can say that I've tried To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart ♫♫♫♫♫"

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